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Everything posted by jimbo4

  1. She didn’t whip it of last night, she whipped it of on Tuesday after leaving the apartment….any stubble you may think you saw would have to be three days of growth.
  2. Leora lie.....Never !! She is an expert at lying, using people and manipulating....It's her forte !!
  3. She has made it much easier to reach that decision Blue, I will be doing likewise in January and so I believe will several others. Off course you can still comment mate, you possibly cannot pass comment on current action if you haven’t seen it, but you certainly can on general matters including Leora in particular.
  4. RLC has become a convenient inconvenience for this woman in her quest to enrich herself. It's difficult for her to enjoy herself indoors anymore, just paying lip service to the institution that made her what she thinks she is today.
  5. I will challenge anyone to go through their archives and produce evidence of her ever going into the toilet to shave whilst wearing panties....Why would she? unless she was hiding what was under there, or should I say not under there. And then the childish charade with the razor. She has been on RLC for approximately 8 years and in that time if she has shaved perhaps twice per week, she would have averaged 800 + shaves and has never gone into the toilet to do it wearing panties. 🤔
  6. Don't be fooled my friend, she was probably testing the water for a reaction, she will be gone again soon.
  7. Or asylum !! She is developing all the qualifications needed.
  8. Time wasting ! All part of the schedule.
  9. I see @masterchef56The leader of the Leora Groupies is up and giving his usual confused and laughable emojis, Keep them coming dipstick because you will get them back with interest at my discretion 🤣 One day when you learn to join two letters together instead of leaving childish emojis we may be able to have a constructive discussion, but I don't hold out too much hope for you being capable of doing so. Until then keep composing those enthralling love sonnets that Leora delights in receiving, especially when you accompany them with blowing all that smoke up her arse.😁
  10. I don't agree with your opinion regarding ensnaring a man, she is confident and well able enough to achieve her citizenship independently. Whether or not she will still be with RLC I neither know nor care. Her so called BF is Russian ! And a virtual clone of Paul in appearance.
  11. NEVER GOING TO HAPPEN !! She has gambled too much on getting EU citizenship.
  12. Absolutely right as well, but as I said, she did it in Russia when Paul was working at Apple, there were times when Eva shit and pissed on the carpet when Leora was out. and it would bark at any noise it heard.
  13. In general I believe you are correct, but the last I heard was that it would be left to individual member states to decide whether to allow travel to those with Sputnik and three other vaccinations that have not been officially accepted by the EU.
  14. She did it in Krasnoyarsk ! The trouble is with Leora is that she " wants her cake and eat it "
  15. So 20% of the apartments are occupied by potentially unstable occupants? That's as many as Jack Nicholson was surrounded by in " One flew over the cuckoos nest "🤪
  16. Bipolar instability is the main cause of such behaviour, especially when someone is in denial.
  17. Yes! She was sending a signal. but at the same time she was taking the piss out of us. The message was simple..." Look ! I'm about to take you all for fools" by pretending to remove something that had already been removed two days earlier . And she couldn't do it successfully in her deranged mind unless she kept her panties on in the lead up.....She must think everyone is as stupid as she has become. A pitiful creature who has become a laughing stock!
  18. Controlling games....She thinks she's smart !
  19. Simple ! To confuse the viewers. She is as devious and sly as anyone else when it serves her purpose. She knew that the people who watch figured it out that she always shaved before going to meet whoever she meets, she thought by not shaving she would be proving a point that she was not going to see that person, she also knew that if she returned with her Brazilian intact in would probably indicate one of two things. 1; That she hadn't seen the person. 2; That she had seen the person and she didn't give a fuck whether that person liked it or not she was keeping it.( She is now so desperate to please him she doesn't have the courage to go against his demands )Remember Christmas is coming ! It appears that of course she saw that person at some time she was away, and why shouldn't she? Going out supposedly unprepared was part of the plan that she formulated, knowing that she had another wardrobe, makeup etc at this persons residence and once there she could shave the Brazilian off that he dislikes. She even thought in her warped mind that by taking the razor into the bathroom in a childish show of " look at me guys, I'm going to shave " bullshit, would convince everyone that she has returned with the Brazilian intact therefor I have not been with him. But her body language also showed her to be the deceitful person that we have become used to recently, she NEVER keeps her panties on when she undresses and goes to the bathroom to shave. Had she have removed them when she removed her other clothes we would have noticed immediately that the Brazilian was missing and thereby drawn our own conclusions. This is the second time recently she has made a big " act " of growing and then removing the Brazilian, remember a couple of months ago when she rolled over on the bed prior to going out, and run her hand over it, smirking and then going into the toilet and shaving it off and smugly smirking at " what a clever girl " she had been. She should be adult enough now to realise that people are not idiots, most people don't give a shit what she does outside of the apartment, it's her life ! What people object to much of the time is that she plays them for fools just as she plays everyone else for fools...But only a fool or a mentally and emotionally unstable person would think like that...I'm beginning to think she fits both categories.😁
  20. She went out with the Brazilian as a statement to say she was not seeing anyone special, she came back without it because she had shaved at the other place, but had to make it look as if she did it when she got home.....Whoever she was with does not like the Brazilian and he/she is the boss. "Oh what wicked webs we weave, when first we practice to deceive" She knows that I know !! 🤣
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