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Everything posted by jimbo4

  1. She couldn't get less work hours than what she does now !😉
  2. Not at home she hasn't..Oh ! How stupid of me, she hasn't been home much to be busy in has she?😁
  3. She owed us bigtime, and still does !!😉
  4. Nowadays you have to liken the bates to a commercial break between programs, this one was a break between texting which has got to soap opera serial proportions.
  5. Fuck the Koala John ! I like Aussie a lot but where that poxy marsupial is concerned he's collateral damage.🤣
  6. Then he gets himself banned from the street for 21 days for abusive behaviour ! 🤣
  7. And I agreed with SC, I didn't state that you were rude, I said you were ungracious. My opinion !
  8. I try to be careful with emojis. Not everyone on here is, some poor fools actually think that myself and others take notice of their childish or perhaps second childhood posting of emojis. Some use them because they don't have the mental capacity to say anything constructive, but they then like to feel significant by using them. But I always find that although they enjoy giving them to others, they in turn do not like it when the intended victim reciprocates and gives it back with interest. They normally run crying to the forum moderators to chastise the culprit....Sad people !
  9. That may not be the kitchen, she may be washing the dishes in the bathroom..😉 You asked for a sink, I gave you a sink.
  10. I think you are being somewhat ungracious to the people on this forum, who with the exception of a couple of members have by and large been fair with you, even though some don't necessarily agree with your point of view or repeated point of view. I found it strange that you would go onto the B1 forum and disrespect ALL of the contributors on the Leora site but then feel comfortable enough to return here and join in. It's OK to have a difference of opinion with the others, that is what forums are all about, and have differences of opinions about the subject matter ( Leora ) I as an example appreciate her one minute and loath her the next.. My prerogative, despite what some Leora sycophants on here may think. But! Whatever happens in this part of the forum stays in the forum. I consider it bad form to take any grievance concerning this Leora forum and discuss it or it's contributors on another forum to ingratiate yourself with those particular contributors. Just my opinion !!
  11. Yes the post was most certainly sarcasm, but the emoji which is what you asked about wasn't.
  12. It certainly isn't an emoji for a sink that's for sure! But! No it's doesn't depict sarcasm. Was it bothering you then?
  13. She has made a miracle recovery, the great Prague public are demanding her attention and she doesn't have the heart to disappoint them....So once again she will sacrifice the people who pay her salary....What an heroic deed !!!🙄
  14. Possibly the doctors, might be getting a homing device fitted. 😁
  15. She has departed to her parallel universe, where she is happy and doesn't let a cold stop her enjoying herself ....What a trouper, a selfless lesson in dedication and commitment 🤣
  16. Glad you are starting to recover mate...You will be fine, think of the convalescing sitting all day watching Leora sleeping and going out. As for the bloody Koala, forget it mate, but here's a little reminder about the noise of the mating call he does some nights from the cupboard when he knows she is performing.👍😁
  17. You forgot the bowl of crisps ( chips ) in bed at around 2am. And yet she has the temerity to advise Paul and possibly LB on what they should eat. Physician heal thyself !
  18. It's no wonder she has a cold or any ailment come to that. She has a poor diet, sleep disorders and mental issues along with going out scantily dressed in all weathers. Her immune system must be struggling to keep up with the abuse she puts her body through. You reap what you sow!
  19. I’m out of here also…Goodnight all !
  20. I find it strange but then not surprising that you criticise ddhm for " non existent " facts yet in the next paragraph you do exactly the same by thinking that a fellow contributor who by your description sounds very much like me could have provided him some information....I could of course be wrong in my assumption but we will never know will we because knowing your track record of old you will never state facts, just unfounded innuendo, rather like what you accuse others of. I would make it very clear for those who may doubt, I have never had any such information, let alone passed it on to ddhm whom I have had no contact with whatsoever aside from answering an occasional post. If I am wrong in my assumption of what I accuse you, then I apologise, but you bring it upon yourself for never having the cajones to state facts but just stir the pot.😁
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