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Everything posted by jimbo4

  1. It seems as though she is not having the best of birthdays. Earlier someone had a difference of opinion with her on the balcony and made her cry and angry, now she has returned from 30 minutes downstairs and she has been crying again. Draw your own conclusions I sincerely hope her day turns out better than it has started,
  2. HaHaHa!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Priceless hypocrisy ! 🤥🤥🤥🤥
  3. ?? " Beauty is in the eye of the beholder " Let me know if that confuses you.😁
  4. She got employment as an human pin cushion for a company called vanity.🤪
  5. Far be it for me to argue or correct such an established self proclaimed expert on all things Leora as yourself, but if Miraguy doesn't know how much if any smoke Leora inhales, then it naturally follows that neither do you or anyone else apart from her. But to confuse your minute brain some more Mastermind, you would do well to read the following !! If you don’t inhale the hookah smoke, Jacob says you’ll absorb fewer toxic substances in your lungs, but your mouth and throat may still be screwed. He compares the effects to cigar smoking, which studies have linked to lip, tongue, mouth, and throat cancers, as opposed to lung cancer. Peyton Jacob, Ph.D.
  6. You have managed to talk the koala to sleep Aussie, you could if you set your mind to it talk a glass eye to sleep.😁
  7. She may be intelligent but she doesn't know everything that life holds in store. She knows the cost of everything but the value of nothing.
  8. She has just spoken to someone on the phone and said she has had " mesotherapy " on the face, which is a beauty treatment by sticking needles into the face, She is now going to the dentist when she gets dressed.
  9. Expense does not seem to be a problem with our Leora....She's " Crowd funded "😁
  10. I use the term “ Botox “ loosely mate, but vanity drives many people to do many things. Remember the landmark 30th birthday is next week.....No shame in getting a little help sometimes.
  11. Having just seen them up closer in the bathroom, it’s either an extreme case of acne or she has had some face work carried out with the Botox shit.
  12. I understand what you are stating mate and concur regarding the effect infra-red lighting can have on the skin tones, but what I witnessed was not under infra-red but at around 0810 ish this morning in natural light.
  13. Perhaps she needs to stay indoors for a while then.....Nah! Forget it, that isn't going to happen. 🤣🤣🤣
  14. A serious question ! Can someone tell me if Leora has freckles on her face? or are they spots with a couple she has possibly picked, or is she suffering from some sort of rash as she keeps feeling her glands at the side of her neck. Or has she always looked like that but has been an expert at applying makeup ? 🙂
  15. I take your point Nich, but a balance should be struck, some people may think she does enough which I appreciate, whilst others think she does not...that is not to say they like her any less, it’s just a different opinion on what constitutes value for money, fair balance and mutual respect between tenant and RLC member. As for her past performance mate, yes she was exceptional in mine and many peoples eyes, and she was very well rewarded for her efforts. Her rewards at the moment are as good if not far better than previously, but to some people’s mind the effort and work ethic are not there anymore. Notwithstanding, she is still in my eyes a very nice woman, but not as special in the sex industry as she once was.
  16. Think maybe Nich that even she realises the difference between taking liberties and taking the piss....But perhaps not!! 😁
  17. So! Her Majesty saw fit to throw the peasants a few crumbs to appease them for a brief predictable hour this morning, hopefully it will now put them at ease and stop any thoughts of revolt whilst she neglects them again for another few days.😃
  18. It will be recorded as a reputation point for whoever you send it to, but unless you are a Premium member you will not be unable to see it .... I think !!😁
  19. I am done now, as I'm bored with you...So predictable and oh so easy to slap down.. there's no fun in trying to justify your existence any more.
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