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Everything posted by jimbo4

  1. Could also be another method to make sure people continue watching for a while..😁
  2. No ! It could merely be coincidence, and nothing will happen.
  3. I think either they are about to get a visitor or the apartment is going under maintenance! Much tidying up and smelly candles in bedroom. Naturally I could be entirely wrong.🙂
  4. What has caused many to jump ship and not bother to post is in my opinion the lack of tolerance of a few self appointed supercilious self righteous guardians of the forum. It's a pity they are not capable of expressing themselves in a civil manner, perhaps then both sides could establish some common ground. You SG are not included in the " few "🙂
  5. There seems to be a small amount of so called " regular " fans presuming to know what all the regular fans like or dislike. Several times you have put yourself up as the spokesman for these people...with what authority? I am a regular fan like several others who possibly are not as happy as they could be with the nightly charades, nevertheless are fans of one or the other of the girls, albeit more open about certain feelings of disappointment than others...Just differences of opinions, no big deal. Some people should learn to accept that forums are built and thrive on opinions of all sorts and one little group can not dictate to others what can or cannot be discussed...That is supposed to be the job of the moderators. I respect you as a person SG and although not always agreeing with your opinions on certain matters I respect your right to express them, why can't others do likewise to everyone else.
  6. I won’t be around for long....My! what a short memory you have. Was it only a month ago that I bitch slapped you silly? The rest of the forum learned what a lying egotistical hypocrite you are that day didn’t they, and well worth the mods wrath. So knowing I can slap you stupid any time I choose I am more than happy...Enjoy yourself in the playground little man. Im out of here once again.😁
  7. What a puerile malevolent odious creature you are. So you and your rabid pack of hounds don’t agree with a guys opinion....So what ! Whats the problem? At least he has the guts to reply and mostly show respect to people who certainly don’t deserve it if you are an example of what this forum has now become. All you and the other members of the sycophant society are capable of is abuse by emoji, tantamount to “ flame baiting “ and yet you all complain to the mods about people like him . Your crusade cannot be that strong if it doesn’t allow for the occasional difference of opinion. There was a man once who spoke some very wise words that have sustained for over 2000 years. ” JUDGE NOT LEST YOU BE JUDGED “ You and your cronies might do well to think about it.
  8. Dammit Sir !! Bloody outrageous let me tell you......Are you ignorant to the fact that wars have been started for less?...Unforgivable !!! Moderate yourself at your earliest convenience and do not commit such a heinous crime as speaking honestly again.....This could be your final warning. Repent Sinner !! 🤣🤪
  9. No ! I agree, membership of RLC is not a prerequisite of posting on the forum, but I would imagine that it would be difficult to present an accurate assessment of the state of play without it....perhaps I’m wrong, but I would personally not feel I was in the position to do so unless my termination of membership was very recently, otherwise my assessment would be outdated wouldn’t it. Some of the responses to certain posts could be more conciliatory without doubt, as antagonism breeds antagonism and ultimately does nothing to ensure a harmonious site where all opinions can be aired and discussed with adult respectful participation. You mention @pulo Filipe .....He has been accepted for a long time on here and is respected by the majority I imagine, he is a moderate person, never antagonistic and keeps a running commentary of events for those who are not glued to the monitor constantly.....Is it a hardship to block him if not appreciative of his style. There are times when I am not fully enamoured with Leora and I sometimes express my dissatisfaction in as honest manner as I can, which is not welcomed by everyone especially those who only look at her through rose tinted glasses, which I hasten to add is their prerogative...” different strokes .....” Whatever your agenda is for repeatedly continuing to lobby for this apartment to be shut down and Leora to move to Chaturbate can only in my opinion be because you are possibly working on behalf of Chaturbate.
  10. Some of your point's may be on the fringes of factual, but as for " kicking" them out of the apartment I think you are being extreme in your views, not only that but you keep playing the same record on permanrnt loop. For whatever reasons some people adore Leora and or Malia just as much as some people dislike them, whilst some are like myself who like Leora but don't particularly enjoy some of the " shows " for various reasons....Our options are simple at that moment....either watch, switch apartments or find something else to do for that particular time and try again later. We do voice our opinions, which the forum is in business to cater for, and opinions are never going to be agreed by everyone as you will notice by looking through the history. Some people become agressive in their defence or displeasure of the girls, others are possessive, some see it as " real life " others see it as two girls earning a living. And people watch these sites for varying reasons, all which are individual and personal to each viewer, and no one else has the right to tell them what they should be thinking with regard to the girls, if you pay your membership to RLC it is your prerogative to critique it as you see fit as long as it's respectfull. But to continue ad infinitum on the same theme is unhealthy from the forums point of view, and counter productive from a personal perspective for the perpetrator. Why not open a new thread that takes your extreme views into account, then everyone will possibly be content.
  11. I don’t in any shape or form endorse his constant rants, but I respectfully would appreciate some clarity from yourself in regard of your definition of “childish “ behaviour. Again with respect, you are the individual who repeatedly comes up with “ thank you Leora, love you, big kiss to your wonderful tits “ and also one of the three perpetrators of the infantile emojis that are placed on peoples posts you are in dispute with, immaterial of what they have written... A touch of hypocrisy perhaps, perhaps you disagree?
  12. I wonder when people slag others off on the forum if they would have the balls to do it face to face.....I very much doubt it !
  13. With respect Virginie, you don't happen to be laying in the same bed as Aussie do you ? The reason I ask is that he has fantasy's sometimes...Actually thinks he's a blonde Adonis. The day either of the girls does what you would like is the day Aussie wins the Mr Universe contest, and Carlton have a woman playing in their team.🤪
  14. More to the point Aussie, are you the same person that you were 16 months ago, apart from being older that is?
  15. Don’t throw the ball if you can’t catch it coming back at you mate....Simple fact of life and survival.😉
  16. My loss perhaps SG...but my choice. Why would you have to be so scared?....Strange remark! 😉
  17. I don't often agree with the skunk nowadays, but on this occasion he's right regarding shift working. One clocked off and within minutes the other one clocked on...Like most of what they do nowadays, planned, synchronised and calculated. No sooner was the lift door shut,she was undressed, meat on display like a butchers shop, absolutely no finesse. Some of the time they have spent indoors this past two weeks was because of sickness, Malia was on the rags for a few days, Leora started hers and gave a token gesture yesterday for our benefit, although lenthy, certainly nothing that hasn't been seen numerous times before. I won't be watching tonight, a good book will give me more pleasure than watching this pathetic exhibition. Just my opinion folks.🙂
  18. Indeed you are right SC, they have every right to live their life as they see fit, but not at the possible risk of endangering others. These are strange times!
  19. Nich ! I agree with your sentiments entirely and don't expect the girls to be prisoners within the apartment either. My bone of contention is that although people of their generation are not as likely to become seriously ill with the virus, they still have a civic duty to concider those who are not so fortunate within the comunity. Having certain symptoms which could be construed as similar to those of the virus, and having carried out test's that although showing negative still left doubt in her mind, I would imagine it would have been prudent for her to remain indoors until it had run it's cycle. Standing next to someone in a shop sneezing and coughing even though wearing a mask nowadays is not the best way of endearing yourself to other people. The fact that the girls are to an extent "age protected " does not prevent them from passing whatever they have, whether the virus, flu or heavy cold on to more vulnerable people, and in these days of overwhelming pressure on health services worlwide the last thing that is needed is for people to be flocking to these services with symptoms that although very similar possibly prove to be negative. Although not on a regular basis, they have both been guilty when the restrictions on movement were more severe of breaching those restrictions....Not very community spirited..
  20. Definitely did visit. PS; Sorry I read your post too quickly, I realise you are aware Aunti arrived.
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