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Everything posted by jimbo4

  1. Listen Smelly, As far as Ashley is concerned she can call me whatever she likes..😄
  2. I'm intrigued, so please help me out. Firstly I will concede that although Leora's fan base is very loyal it could well be diminishing ( Speculation on my part, not substantiated by me, or you come to that matter ) Secondly, you have taken great pride in continuing your personal vendetta with Pepe on the forum tonight, and I would therefore ask you a simple question.....You state that Leora " has Pepe in the palm of her Russian hand " I cannot disagree with that remark as I believe Leora has EVERYONE in the palm of her Russian hand......So what in the world allows your ego to think that you have not been fed a crock of Russian shit the same as you accuse Pepe of. Anyone who knows women, whether it be Leora or anyone else, only ever knows what that woman is prepared to share...true or false information is drip fed to whomever they wish if it suits their purpose....You may accuse Pepe and perhaps others but you are no different, and you certainly know no more ...You have been told exactly what she wants you to be told and she will use you as a weapon against Pepe and vice versa when she is under pressure. So don't delude yourself into thinking you know more than you actually do or indeed more than anyone else, whatever you know or don't know is subject to what she wants you to know....Simple fact!
  3. I can’t see to address the package...my eyes are bleeding...but it’s at least interesting .....like playing “blind mans buff”😎
  4. I have some spare needles to stick in your eyes if you would like them?
  5. You lucky lucky people...🤣🤣 Now you know why I don’t waste my nights on wishful thinking, and make full use of Replay the following morning if required. If the bottle of booze comes out again the most that will happen is NOTHING ! apart from perhaps an occasional panty shot from Leora, if she stays awake... I am out of here in 10 minutes ...have a good night ! .. and good luck.. I hope I’m wrong!! 😄
  6. Didn't watch it as I don't watch in the evenings, always catch up on Replay early next morning, but in case anyone is interested, my paint dried well, and sticking pins in my eyes was not wonderful but one has to amuse oneself somehow. Seriously! It was different watching them interact with someone else for a while...Overall they seemed to enjoy it.....Perhaps! 🥴
  7. Slip...I was not blaming Malia as such, I was stating a fact that can be substantiated by figures if anyone disputes it ( see Value for Money ) Prior to Malia's arrival Leora was as active as she had ever been in Russia, and it noticeably reduced after Malia moved in, in the beginning it was because she wasn't giving Leora room to breath, but as you say, once the summer arrived Leora had a few opportunities to make amends, but didn't take full advantage of them as would be hoped...Absolutely Leora's fault not Malia's....and then the boyfriend situation and the emotional upsets with Paul really knocked any enthusiasm out of her. She is of course entitled to her own life outside the apartment and good luck to her, and whatever personal problems she may develop whilst doing her own thing are just that, " personal " As I have said before, Malia is of no interest to me,just as Leora is of no interest to some people, but that doesn't make either of them a bad person, just someone I personally can't be bothered to watch...Personal choice! Whether any of us agree or not is immaterial, the facts speak for themself, since Malia's arrival Leora's " performance " levels have decreased...Not I concede solely due to Malia but it coincided with her taking up residence. What I wrote was not meant as a personal attack on either Leora or Malia, although some folks will always think it is, just an observation which is substantiated by figures...Personal feelings for either girls does not influence what I wrote....I wrote what I see as the truth, other people are at liberty to interpret it as they see fit.
  8. She has got worse since the summer admittedly, but the decline started when Malia arrived....It’s no a matter of me having a go at Malia, it’s a matter of stating a fact.....
  9. I realise that, he rarely interfered with her action, although his moods and occasional physical assaults on her were disgraceful ...but she did what she liked to an extent....and had more freedom of movement within the apartment than she has now with the female tenant......unless that’s the way she likes it..
  10. We had her in this apartment for four months after she arrived....Then it all went tits up...
  11. Good for you mate, whatever floats your boat.....At the moment I wouldn’t mind the old tenant, at least she was more active in those days..and not necessarily involving him. Different people, different opinions...Makes the world go round.
  12. For sure, I for one will not watch for watching sake...If there is no action then I’m not interested in watching ....Simple really, I can see someone open a takeaway meal any day, or look out my window and see multitudes of people with phones growing out of their ears, nothing unique about that..I watch solely to see Leora perform, nothing else....But at least I’m truthful about my reason....I used to enjoy her doing other things but sadly she has ceased doing them now.....And your reason?
  13. Think about it Smelly, if it wasn't for them you would likely give up your membership...It’s them that keep you going.
  14. Absolutely! But it’s entertaining to see what people come up with, even if it is a load of old bollocks!
  15. I’m not stating a fact, I’m asking for opinions, at least it gives folks something to talk about...
  16. I was wise to leave, I’m even wiser now, I’m really gone for the night now, there’s some paint I need to watch dry...while sticking needles in my eyes.....Got to get my excitement from somewhere, and it sure as shit will not be in this apartment tonight.🤣 I hope I’m wrong and you all have a great night..
  17. I just had to see! 😄 I will ask again.....Malias Guy??? Think about it...🤔
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