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Everything posted by jimbo4

  1. Always nice to reflect on what was, compared with what is now. The girl has done good! Compare her body then to how it is now, personally I prefer circa 2020, and along with the body improvements the accommodation has gone from basic hovel in Siberia to classy apartment in one of the liveliest cities of the world. Well done girl!
  2. This is Leora you are referring to my friend ......If she needs a change of clothes all she does is either wear some of the ones she has stored at his apartment, or she goes and buys new items....No worries at all for this lady. That's always presuming she needs clothes, which is debatable under the circumstances..lol 😂
  3. Unfortunately no longer available, any possibility of a repost please....🤔
  4. AMERICANS !!! You really are not that bright are you?
  5. "Oh what tangled webs we weave, when we practice to deceive" Never a truer saying which applies to both the girls in question.
  6. Pulo mate, I suggested first thing this morning she would not be home tonight......And she certainly wasn't shopping🤣
  7. Where Leora is concerned, anything is possible!!
  8. Best friends or not, Leora would have had to tell Malia the truth, and if she did tell her the truth the likelihood is that Malia would have thought it was just Leora the " Drama Queen "overreacting and "throwing her toys out of the pram "....Either that or Malia is dumber than I realised.
  9. Anyone, yourself included I would imagine watches her take her showers...There are normal showers where she will jump in, run the water and attend to her " pussie" with running water. Then there is the " I'm going shagging " shower, where she really soaps up the sponge and then after rinsing off the suds she will attend to her pussie with the special tratment vaginal wash and deep clean it....Also for the first time in two and a half weeks she has shaved her " landing strip "...Why? Because since she has been seeing him over the months she only lets it grow when there is a break for whatever reason..Plus !! He is possibly against pubic hair, maybe one of the " modern " generation who remove all natural hair from every part of the body. Elementary my dear Watson !!
  10. Yes Pulo!! Landing strip gone. Although she may well come back with shopping, she didn't go out for the prime purpose of it, although a little " retail therapy " might help cheer her up. And she wouldn't remove something she has been cultivating since she last saw her " Ideal Man " unless she was seeing him with a view to him enjoying it how he likes it....Bald!!🤣🤣
  11. She has shaved her " landing strip " for a good reason. She will return sexually satisfied hopefully.🤔🤣 And no doubt in love with her "Ideal Man" again..🤣
  12. She is still very capable of being sensual, when she chooses to be so, and has less distractions...But! Her head has to be in the right place for such events, and recently her head has been all over the place. She will no doubt sort herself out somehow one day I hope. She is riding a psychological roller coaster at the moment, and one day it will grind to a halt. I just hope she survives it emotionally.
  13. She is obviously going to see her " Ideal Man" to patch things up for a couple of days or so.....because she has removed her landing strip.....Guess he doesn't approve of it..🤣🤣
  14. This will not last SG...she gets bored very quickly, like many things she tries, Vegetarianism/ Veganism is a fad..similar to a new shoe design, it will quickly be old fashioned and " Yesterday" Yes she started exercise again to an extent, but expects a miracle overnight...She bought the new scales, but moved them to several positions in the room because she wasn't satisfied with the reading they were giving.....Nothing to do with her perhaps putting on a little weight ( which looks good on her IMO ) but all to do with the scales giving a reading she was not happy to admit to.
  15. Because perhaps the whole relationship is born out of a lie!! There is no honesty from her to him, she is finding it difficult to be honest with herself at the moment, perhaps vice versa, we wouldn't know. She has been with him for several months. Does he know what she does for a living? Doubtful ! otherwise she would have invited him into the apartment, she tells him only what she wants him to know and what keeps her in control...She will distort everything to anyone to suit her agenda, which eventually becomes confusing to herself, and she is the master of exploiting the principle of " the best form of defence is attack " Hence the temper tantrums, screaming, wild accusations and then crying...All part of the disarming process. Someday the " chickens come home to roost " the chickens in this case being the deceit and attitude displayed by her to other people. She's a lovely person, but she has allowed things to get out of control, probably by believing everyone else involved was stupid, which they clearly are not..." You can fool some of the people some of the time, but not all of the people all of the time "
  16. She really has to realise that she has possible deep rooted issues, until she admits this to herself and seeks professional help she will never progress....She should invest some of her income on anger management therapy for a start....much more beneficial that lip injections or another item for the wardrobe that she will wear once and then discard.
  17. Sometimes that stubbornness is a result of pride getting in the way of common sense.
  18. There is nothing wrong with your grasp of the English language I can assure you 😉
  19. But my smelly friend .....That is easier said than done...we both know that....
  20. She will always do whatever she wants, she takes no advice of this forum, we have seen an example of her sorting out her own life....not pleasant is it? People who like her don't like to see her distraught but she can only to an extent lay the blame at her own feet. Most people would I guess see her as a victim here, but because we have not seen her guy we are not privy to what goes on between them, therefor it could well be that he is the victim and she is getting no less than she deserves. It was always easy to see and blame Paul to an extent, but we are in the dark here and only know what she wants us to know.
  21. Because she knows he won’t take any shit from her...he will put the phone down.
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