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Everything posted by jimbo4

  1. Watching paint dry has some exciting moments also...Or there's always the last choice,sticking needles in your eyes. Both far more interesting than this apartment has been recently.😹
  2. Sorry, I draw the line at arguing with children and morons, you are either one or both so I will not get into a adult discussion with you...nor will I answer anymore of you infantile posts ..Say whatever you wish, it will be given the appropriate response....Ignored.
  3. I was and still am one of those guys who don’t give a shit if they are having problems or not, that’s their problem not mine...Similar to the reason I don’t give a shit what your opinion of me or anyone else is for that matter...
  4. Is there a reason for such an aggressive nature with me, or are you that way with everyone. It was intimated that Leora was at one time in the military, I informed you that she was not...How I came by that information is not relevant...She did though work in security for a while. I never claimed anywhere that I was an expert on Leora’s former life at all.....But clearly you are not an expert on diplomacy either are you ?😹 If there is anything else I can assist you in, it would be a pleasure to help a gentle natured person like yourself....Please try very hard to enjoy your day.
  5. Paul is no longer in the reserves that demands he attends maneuvers yearly...He hasn't been attending then for over three years now.
  6. I can think of a third reason.....He doesn't perhaps exist? 😹
  7. 😹In which case he must have stepped on her toe with his hoof, because she has a sore foot not a sore pussie..
  8. Personally I really don't care if she has a new guy in her life or not, its her life and nothing to do with us outside of the apartment. The fact that whatever it is she has been doing this week, and I emphasise this week, impacted on her being as available as she could be is cause for concern to me though. Yes! Malia stepped up to the plate and did a great job " covering " for her, but she is her own person with her own individual way of doing things and is not Leora, but I also realise that it's all down to individual viewers tastes. Scutus was right when he quoted RLC, inasmuch as we only pay for the camera's and not the tenants, that to me is a moot point, who hypothetically in their right mind would pay to see an empty apartment? As entertaining as Malia was, she is not the main protagonist in the set up and I don't think it unreasonable to feel somewhat deflated that the " Star " only played a cameo roll for the second time in three days...Hopefully not an insight into the future. Obviously some people will disagree with what I have stated, and I expect and respect their comments.
  9. I wouldn’t say YOU were naive...but you know best as always, I’ll take your word for it..😹
  10. Not quite understanding what you consider " sales pitches " ?
  11. Although it’s early days yet, and Malia is doing a superb job covering for “ a friend “ she is not Leora in my mind...a very nice girl but my personal opinion. Should the previous night and tonight be a glimpse into the future of this apartment then I think many subscribers may be rethinking their options when renewal time occurs. Having said that, it might not of course become a regular occurrence....but I have reservations..
  12. Not having seen SC's post, would that I wonder be 2000 Euro's per apartment per person, or per apartment irrespective of occupants?
  13. And that my friend is where the Replay addition comes into its own, especially with the time zones she ( or RLC ) chooses to favour most of the time. Get out and enjoy the superb weather, or go to bed when it suits you, not when her action or lack of dictates, and catch up when and if you choose. Best of both worlds...😸
  14. Watch out for those pigs flying overhead mate.....lol😹🐷🐷🐷
  15. Whatever you say Aussie, whatever you say.....Who am I to argue with a lucky bastard like you! 😹
  16. I agree with your thoughts on the fluidity of the forum, borne out of perhaps a mutual respect for other peoples opinions, instead of sarcasm and petty remarks. 🙀 Quite refreshing !! And long may it continue. 😸
  17. In addition to free accommodation the tenants are paid an amount of money each month. As regards bonuses, that’s a bone of contention, some people are adamant they receive them and others are equally adamant they do not. Most of the tenants are not stupid, and have a reasonable business brain on their shoulders. They obviously realise that they are not expected to be just ornaments around the apartments, and I wouldn’t imagine they would last very long if they just played “ Happy families “ and stayed fully clothed during their stay. So RLC must to an extent have some input into what is expected, whether they have further input on a weekly/ monthly basis is debatable I guess.
  18. Well there's a surprise.....Happy birthday Pulo...Have a great one. Hope your'e a luckier fucker than Aussie and get a message from Leora....hahaha 😹
  19. Fuck know's !!......Pulo has someone or something in mind....Perhaps he will let us know sometime today..😹
  20. In all fairness, considering the physical situation that Malia is in and Leora has just finished, both girls contributed to a good atmosphere and attitude in the apartment tonight. Perhaps it was a step in the right direction for the future....We shall see in the passage of time no doubt.😺
  21. Doesn't time fly when your'e enjoying yourself SC ? 😹
  22. There couldn't be any hate directed by Scutus to you Slipper, he saves it all for me normally.........😹.. I really am only joking Scutus....Honestly !! 😹😹 o
  23. I mentioned this subject and specifically you Scutus the other day. I stated that although throughout the years we have not seen eye to eye on several things, and have more than once traded insults, I had always respected the fact that your beliefs and opinions during that time have never varied.. The reason being in most cases is that you pay your membership and are totally happy with whatever Leora does or doesn't do, you dont expect anything more from her than she is prepared to give, so you are therfore never disappointed..... It's a great frame of mind. I think that most of us on here are "Leora Fans" otherwise we wouldn't be here...The difference being, perhaps we expect more for our money than you do...and express our disappointment when we don't get it....It doesn't detract from the fact we are fans though, even if we appear to be less accommodating than your good self..😼
  24. Did I miss something ? Were there "native speakers " or people with translators ? All of which can vary. I am not being sarcastic in this question, merely asking if I missed something factual?
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