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Leora - General Chat Topic November 2019 #10
jimbo4 replied to happyone's topic in Leora & Paul (08/14/19)
The fact you and Aussie don’t agree with my assessment is healthy Juggs, that’s what this forum is all about, discussing other peoples points of view appertaining to Leora.....It’s not totally for the sycophants who wish to pay money to just worship her every movement ....or lack of : Although when she moves it is a sight to behold. I have always maintained that as long as it is carried out in a respectful manner and personal information is left off the table, then most things are up for discussion....and never having been reprimanded or banned by the moderators confirms to an extent that I have played within the rules. Newbie’s to the forum don’t necessarily mean they are new to RLC, so whatever opinion they may or may not have Is in all probability already formed, and one persons view is exactly that, one persons view....I don’t ask for anyone to agree with my sentiments when I post them, to the contrary, I invite criticism. My current assessment of Leora’s activities or perceived reduction of, is my view as how I see it....It’s not an attack on Leora, it’s an observation from one individual, and that observation has as much validity on this forum as does anyone else’s. And as you know, if I am wrong, I never have any problem putting my hands up and admitting it in the form of an apology. Hope this isn't too long and meets with your approval Felix, but it’s the best I could condense it to.🤪 -
Leora - General Chat Topic October/November 2019 #9
jimbo4 replied to happyone's topic in Leora & Paul (08/14/19)
The bottle of champagne looks promising. 🍾 -
Leora - General Chat Topic October/November 2019 #9
jimbo4 replied to happyone's topic in Leora & Paul (08/14/19)
The only time I ever tell people like yourself that I will not talk any longer to them, is when they constantly accuse me of something but cannot substantiate their accusations with proof....Just like yourself.... I never have a problem in admitting I am wrong if I am, and will readily apologise if required.....What about you. -
Leora - General Chat Topic October/November 2019 #9
jimbo4 replied to happyone's topic in Leora & Paul (08/14/19)
Have a look at your genitalia will you, then look in the mirror....When is your period due, because you are sure As shit talking like a cunt. If you bothered to look with your eyes open you would have seen her talking with Paul, and likewise with your ears when she phones him. -
Leora - General Chat Topic October/November 2019 #9
jimbo4 replied to happyone's topic in Leora & Paul (08/14/19)
Thank you for your interesting though inaccurate assessment of me....Strange hobby you have where you like to pay money just to look at apartments, is it an interesting hobby? Personally I would prefer to see some action in said apartment...But whatever turns you on. 🤪😂 -
Leora - General Chat Topic October/November 2019 #9
jimbo4 replied to happyone's topic in Leora & Paul (08/14/19)
Personally, I have the feeling this will be the last we shall see of her, but of course only she and RLC with perhaps a token grunt from Paul will decide. I would think that there comes a time in this profession when the time is right to leave it...is it yet..who knows. She is to an extent limited to what she could turn her hand to. She used to be a dental nurse, and worked for the government for a spell...I think her vocation would be to work with animals, she has a great deal of love and compassion to give to them, and it would give her satisfaction. Going home to have babies with Paul?? What a fucking nightmare that would be.......Sorry I jest...She would i'm sure make a good mother, but Paul as a roll model for a father? That takes some digesting. 😂 -
Leora - General Chat Topic October/November 2019 #9
jimbo4 replied to happyone's topic in Leora & Paul (08/14/19)
Although I never considered myself sycophantic towards her, I strongly believed and still do to an extent, that she was an all round nice human being, and as such I would defend many of her actions. She probably is still the nice person she used to be, only she knows if she is, but she seems to have become very remote and isolated , not in the sense that she owes us anything, because she doesn’t, we pay our money and she serves up the dish of the day......Sometimes that dish of the day is a banquet, and other times it’s dry bread and gruel, but at least she used to serve it up with a smile, even under sometimes trying conditions and the fear of discovery. But when the golden opportunity arrived for her to shine, she did briefly, only to fizzle out like a damp squid..due I think to preoccupation with other matters, and perhaps her own self importance....Who knows ! Although I liked her very much because she bought a great deal of joy to everyone, I would draw the line at love mate.....You have to know someone well to love them, and that certainly wouldn’t apply to a sexual fantasy. Nice to have a sensible and thoughtful conversation with you Harley. -
Leora - General Chat Topic October/November 2019 #9
jimbo4 replied to happyone's topic in Leora & Paul (08/14/19)
Johnny!! She used to be irreplaceable when she was the full package, in my opinion. I thought that coming to Prague was the golden opportunity for he to really show why she was head and shoulders above everyone else on the circuit....She started of with a flourish but has slowly degenerated to a pitiful caricature of the real Leora. I don't know for sure but I think she has other priorities on her agenda at the moment and we are not part of them...In my mind she has gradually snatched defeat from the jaws of victory and a tremendous opportunity has passed her by..... As said, this is only my own opinion, but I am beginning to find her unappealing and verging on boring now....Sad to say. But, she has given me some wonderful times for which I am truly thankful.....I just wonder why it has all changed. If she wants to stay at the top she has to work at it and get her act together. -
Leora - General Chat Topic October/November 2019 #9
jimbo4 replied to happyone's topic in Leora & Paul (08/14/19)
Perhaps she has started believing that she is irreplaceable in peoples emotions, some people on here are nothing without Leora, but Leora is nothing without them and their unwavering support that she has enjoyed for six years. Fame and adoration is a fickle beast....treat it with the same respect that has been afforded you over the years. -
Leora - General Chat Topic October/November 2019 #9
jimbo4 replied to happyone's topic in Leora & Paul (08/14/19)
Before anyone starts getting all pear shaped and upset, let me respectfully point out that this opinion is mostly truth born out of several days of frustration. I actually thought that it was reasonable to hope for something special tonight, seeing as she has been off air for three days including Halloween this week. But no, same old same old token arse wiggle for a couple of hours, then cream the body, before a tepid finale in the living room, more like duty than anything else. As a European ( At least until January 31 ) I certainly don’t think it’s worth staying up most of the night to view her now....two months ago yes, but now I think she is as bored with the proceedings as I am . With the lack of viewing time that she graciously affords us nowadays, I don’t personally think she has the same magnetism as she once had, and if she is not careful is in imminent danger of her crown slipping...I always thought she showed a genuine free spirit and a natural affinity with her fans, but alas she is to my mind now verging on being false and plastic, and doesn’t give a shit about her fans, it seems as if she has lost the connection with them. Her attitude reminds me of when guys were due to leave the military, it was called “ demob happy “ winding down before going home for good....Do as little as possible, as the clock winds down, just enough to keep out of jail. Just a personal opinion from a pissed of and very disappointed member of the human race. Be gentle with me when you all attack, I’m feeling very fragile at the moment....🤪☹️🙁 Nah!! Bring it on and do your worst, I can take it as well as dish it out....🤪 -
Leora - General Chat Topic October/November 2019 #9
jimbo4 replied to happyone's topic in Leora & Paul (08/14/19)
October 31 not September 30......Perhaps you have inadvertently been in an induced coma for a month, I hope it’s nothing serious. 🤪😂......Don’t take it to heart, I am only joking with you. Have a nice day. -
Leora - General Chat Topic October/November 2019 #9
jimbo4 replied to happyone's topic in Leora & Paul (08/14/19)
Yesterday was October 31 NOT September 30. -
Leora - General Chat Topic October/November 2019 #9
jimbo4 replied to happyone's topic in Leora & Paul (08/14/19)
Without comments and opinions, regardless of how outrageous ( without being offensive to the residents) this forum would die. Its function is to channel peoples thoughts and opinions for other folks to comment on no matter if it be a favourable reply or otherwise, it is stimulating peoples minds, which hopefully will contribute toward us keeping old timers disease at bay for as long as possible.....” If you don’t use it you lose it “ 🙄 -
Leora - General Chat Topic October/November 2019 #9
jimbo4 replied to happyone's topic in Leora & Paul (08/14/19)
Most of us don’t have to agree with Harleys opinions, that’s all they are..opinions. Everyone has one, and his to him are as valid as mine are to me or lwis’s are to him...We all are selective to an extent in what we comment on, and conveniently add or omit certain pieces of relevant information to suit our cause . We also have choices, if we don’t wish to see or comment on an individuals post we have the facility to block it or ignore it...No problem. Trying to gain the moral high ground or oneupmanship is a waste of time and achieves absolutely nothing. For what it’s worth I believe Leora will leave by the 11 November .....Although I would like to be wrong. I don’t subscribe to the theory she is having an affair or being serviced by someone else. I do know that she and Paul are still an item. I also believe that she would never in the unlikely event of her going with another man, bring him back to the apartment for sex. I do believe there was a genuine Power cut. I also believe she was probably put up in an hotel last night by RLC, as I don’t think she would spend the night alone in the dark, That being the reason she was dressed in her coat when the power came back on. I know that Auntie will pay her monthly visit next week. There! I have nailed my colours to the mast...All completely unsubstantiated, but nevertheless I would be surprised if less than 80% are correct. But still only opinions !! -
Leora - General Chat Topic October/November 2019 #9
jimbo4 replied to happyone's topic in Leora & Paul (08/14/19)
We all think about you Raul...😂 -
Leora - General Chat Topic October/November 2019 #9
jimbo4 replied to happyone's topic in Leora & Paul (08/14/19)
Perhaps we may get a late Halloween night tonight if Leora is in a good mood.....And she’s always in a good mood when she buys herself flowers...🌸🌸 -
Leora - General Chat Topic October/November 2019 #9
jimbo4 replied to happyone's topic in Leora & Paul (08/14/19)
Whilst I don't subscribe to the power outage being bogus, I do have very small reservations regarding ISP issues. Harley's source of information is as it stands as credible as mine regarding her leaving for home by the 11 November, or indeed yours that states she is here for the long term and returning home for Christmas ( which although she puts up a tree she does not believe in the religious aspect of it...Just an excuse for Paul to buy her an expensive present ) and the New Year.....All just opinions, and all carrying the same amount of credibility or lack off, until proven otherwise. -
Leora - General Chat Topic October/November 2019 #9
jimbo4 replied to happyone's topic in Leora & Paul (08/14/19)
I personally don't disbelieve there was a power cut, but it's your remark referring to " multiple media outlets " that interests me...Where, when and by whom ? -
Leora - General Chat Topic October/November 2019 #9
jimbo4 replied to happyone's topic in Leora & Paul (08/14/19)
This month will tell the story one way or another. I hope you're right, but I have my doubts. -
Leora - General Chat Topic October/November 2019 #9
jimbo4 replied to happyone's topic in Leora & Paul (08/14/19)
I still believe she will be leaving probably next week but certainly before the 11 November. I thought she would try and make the final few days special, as she always had the happiness and satisfaction of her huge fan base at the top of her priorities.....But sadly and unfortunately she seems to have taken her eye off of the ball, and let things slip away from her. I don’t think it’s been deliberate in any way, just the fact she has been preoccupied with other priorities, discovering a new country and city, with all it has to offer, along with her constant obsession with social media, has relegated us to “ also rans “ The last week hasn’t helped at all, knowing that she always enjoys Halloween, and she had already given us a sample of the eye mask she had for the event. What with the lost time over the “ internet problem “ and then quickly followed by yesterday’s power failure scenario, it all seemed rather contrived, But it looks as if the freezer has defrosted somewhat, hence the towel on the floor, so there seems to be some truth in the power cut story....Nevertheless! This week has been a disaster, and with only perhaps 5 days left before her monthly visitor, it will be difficult but not impossible for her to pull it back on track....If she wants or cares to. Disappointed, but always the eternal optimist, the next few days will tell a story perhaps. 😖 -
Leora - General Chat Topic October/November 2019 #9
jimbo4 replied to happyone's topic in Leora & Paul (08/14/19)
Hope she has brought some penicillin with her, If its true she may need a shot if she's not careful. PS; I am of course joking !! -
Leora - General Chat Topic October/November 2019 #9
jimbo4 replied to happyone's topic in Leora & Paul (08/14/19)
She started strong and wanting to please when she first arrived in August, with mostly two bates per day....This has gradually waned to one per day and not much is seen of her before 1900-1930 at night and very little action before 2230-2300. Its no wonder to an extent that some folks are feeling cheated or let down, even to the extent that some believe she is having extra adventures or excitement outside the apartment with someone else. My honest feeling is that she has always been a complex person, who will do exactly whatever she wants to do, None of us know for sure, and the truth is its nothing to do with us. Having said that, I feel to an extent this last couple of weeks have been a disappointment. I also believe this will be the last time we see her, I don't think she will return for RLC in the future. Just my honest opinion...Many will no doubt disagree with me....That's good. -
Leora - General Chat Topic October/November 2019 #9
jimbo4 replied to happyone's topic in Leora & Paul (08/14/19)
At least it will be some action, which has been sorely lacking this week, at least from our perspective. -
Leora - General Chat Topic October/November 2019 #9
jimbo4 replied to happyone's topic in Leora & Paul (08/14/19)
Perhaps Leora is escaping us again under cover of darkness... -
Leora - General Chat Topic October/November 2019 #9
jimbo4 replied to happyone's topic in Leora & Paul (08/14/19)
Sorry my friend, but to quote an old English colloquialism " Don't spout such a load of bollocks " , It would be a totally different matter if someone was repeating something she had posted on social media.