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Everything posted by jimbo4

  1. It does now, but used to turn a blind eye until the serious incident with Leora happened. And although RLC stopped tenants posting because of the incident, Leora had been proactive and deleted her account and her social media accounts immediately.
  2. Factual and not selective memory Newark.....Well put Sir, 😺
  3. With respect miscvoyeur, not strictly true.....She posted on this forum regarding many different issues, not only about defending Paul.....And the reason RLC enforced the " no contact" rule so stringently and forced her to cease doing so was because she had been abused and threatened by someone originating from this forum, who carried out a verbal attack on her via a social media site that had been made public temporarily on this forum, albeit briefly.....She therefor had no choice but to desist immediately. 😾
  4. The anger was not about being interrupted, that unfortunately goes with the territory all the time he is home, it was about the collusion between them both on the iPhone prior to the interruption.
  5. She will not leave until she is ready, and that is not imminent, so do not fret, and there is a balcony outside the living room.
  6. You are probably right, she is not a stupid woman, annoying sometimes but never stupid.😸
  7. She is always ultra horny prior to Aunties visit, necessity has overcome principle perhaps.😹😹
  8. I totally agree with your sentiments regarding the pleasure she has given in the past and will continue to give to some in the future, She has been continually evolving over the years, so will eventually get her act sorted out to overcome the perception of conducting preplanned and choreographed shows , that are timed to fit in with his schedule and not hers.....Look at it from whichever angle you choose, but until he finds something constructive to do with himself that gives her the independence and freedom to do things the way she did them best, then some people will complain, and to a certain extent justifiably. I on the other hand will not only complain about the repetition, boredom and falseness of the situation at this present time, but will have the courage of my convictions and cease watching RLC on May 13 . I have enjoyed a wonderful few years watching only Leora, she was always to my mind the only girl worth paying money to watch, and I know her to have a nice gentle nature and sense of humour , but from my perspective she has lost some of her personality since he has been unemployed and it does not sit well with me, so I will do the only thing that should be done in such circumstances. Other people have their own opinions, which I respect....This forum has been the place to air those opinions and banter with other people,not always agreeing with each other, but hopefully respecting each other's points of view, and that is the reason I will continue my membership of CC .....for the banter.
  9. " Self obsessed " Perhaps, But have no doubt Kris66 she certainly knows all about us, she is no doubt fully aware of everything we say and do, and in some instances influenced by our opinions and/or remarks....As for doing the finger for fun, possibly, but under the circumstance unlikely ......This incident was just prior to the farcical bedroom/ living room scenario, and that was a definate set up by the pair of them. 😸
  10. Not sure if she was flipping the cameras, but she certainly gave the middle finger..
  11. NEWARK, I'm sure you're right regarding how often they look in, I believe the message will get across to her as she is not stupid, but it will not affect me, as the bubble has burst I'm afraid, the illusion has been tarnished and will not be the same again, knowing that everything is an act. Having said that, I have in the past enjoyed her immensely, and she knows it, she has given me a lot of pleasure and laughs for which I will always be grateful, and I wish her the best for the future......She will certainly need a lot of good luck if she stays with that looser forever. When her time is up she could do worse than get sterilized, so she doesn't bring a child sired by him into the world......What a fucking nightmare that would be.😹😹
  12. And with respect Watcher212, What you need to understand is that she will not answer your emails, PM's or contact requests on social media sites. You have been a member of this forum for 3 years so you probably know that she used to correspond with the forum regularly, until someone abused and threatened her, after which she cut off all contacts with individuals, but still probably looks at the postings periodically.😺
  13. With the greatest and sincere respect to yourself and your opinion. But!! Sadly she has become a mere puppet and entertainer, yesterdays non performance was merely the icing on the cake, the dynamics of this apartment since the " stooge" "retired" have changed dramatically, and she has allowed herself to become a puppet....either that or she was never sincere from the start which I would doubt. Yes, I agree, she is smart where money is concerned and I truly hope that she turns it round for the sake of the remaining punters, but I think that because of the " stooges " constant presence she will be hemorrhaging followers, and even with the better weather coming where he can go out on the bike the " entertainment " will still be rationed and contrived, I never thought I would see the day when she would be so subservient to the creature she lives with, she used to have more fire in her belly, sadly in my opinion she has lost much of it where he is concerned....He's a looser and he is turning her into one also. As I said, I respect your opinion, but as you can see, mine is different.....That's life.
  14. Absolutely !! You are well aware my old friend, that I have always thought highly of her,and indeed defended her in the past, as I know you have, but in my mind she is not the girl she used to be...she has lost something since he has been forever frequent in the apartment, and when she previously showed some semblance of originality and naturalness she was to me the ultimate....She is now false, rehearsed, choreographed and just part of a double act that sees her as the straight guy and him as the stooge....You can fool some of the people some of the time......... On returning from my eight week absence I said I had missed her, which I thought I had, but looking at the situation when I returned I saw it without the rose tinted glasses on, and she is now to me yes a magnificent body, and in certain circumstances a gentle caring person, but with an underlying sly and mean streak, as portrayed last night during the charade in the living room and bedroom. I realise that I will have many people on the forum disagreeing with me, but that's their prerogative, as it is mine to have the opinion of her that I now hold. I have seen her deteriorate to nothing better than the brainless bimbo's in many of the other apartments, and she is now nothing more than a good looking, submissive show pony....Sad to see, but I would sooner stop watching her under my own terms than watch her deteriorate to an old " has been " in the future. A word of advice for her though, I feel I will only be the tip of the iceberg unless she does something about getting her " stooge " into some regular employment...or therapy, whichever suits best. I will still remain on CC as I enjoy the banter.
  15. When you sober up in the morning think again about what you said Raul " She controls her life " ....she controls nothing, RLC CONTROLS HER.....then money, then the immature fool she lives with......She used to have up to 12 hours of semi control when he was working, but now he is home constantly she has lost it completely, she is a pathetic submissive. Watching her and him collude on the phone tonight has probably caused more damage to her image than she would have wished...from my perspective she is no better now than the Barca girls or anyone of the other brainless bimbo's that frequent most of the other apartments. I certainly will not be renewing my subscription with RLC when it expires in June, She has now become repetitive and boring and sadly tonight she showed a nasty side to her that I didn't know was for public consumption. The cover girl has blown her cover as far as I'm concerned. She has become a cheap double act. 😾
  16. The artificial manner in which these shows happen nowadays could already be alienating people.....😾
  17. What an absolute charade, pre-planned in the Living Room by them both, iPhone contact between bedroom and living room, he watching on laptop, she texts him to say she is ready he slinks in and lends her his mouth, and she acts as if she enjoys it even if she didn't..... And believe it or not...Just to piss us off for abusing her fool. The girl has still got her spiteful streak, at least he hasn't taken that away.
  18. Buddy!! We know what we know.....aint that the truth ?
  19. Clueless!! But she loves him because he's intelligent .....😹😹😹😹😹😹
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