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Everything posted by jimbo4

  1. Wednesday has become his pretty regular midweek day of, he should be back at work tomorrow, but he has been known to throw a sickie to extend it by another day in the past, but rarely two days.
  2. Saturday is Russia's Day Of Unity, so because it falls on a weekend Monday will be the Public holiday for it. So expect to see Paul home for a three day weekend.......thought that would make you all happy.
  3. You're a deep thinking and sensible man Rock, There is no chance of either Scutus or I loosing a friendship, we never had one to start with, but I take your point , and as it takes two to argue, I will respond no more to this individuals constant goading, Thank you for your common sense and sound advice, .🙂
  4. Read it again you pitiful excuse for a man. There is no mention that SHE provoked me ( just another minor point ) once again you are drawing your own conclusions, and once again you have made a fool of yourself. I become weary of your obsession with trying to score points off me, try a new tact or call it a day.
  5. It has nothing to do with whether you agree or not, its about your argumentative attitude if you don't agree....your childish insistence on " shades of grey " as apposed to " black and white ", a minor point for you to make an issue off. You're a sad person.....whereas I will have a difference of opinion or argument and then let it go, you have to keep picking away at the scab, and all because your conspiracy theory of a few months ago fell on stony ground, and you lost credibility because you thought you were a smart arse, but you proved to be nothing but a smarmy windbag with plenty of bark but no bite. You haven't learnt from that lesson I see. Lets just agree to disagree, You don't like me and the feeling is now mutual.....I will leave it at that. Life's too short.....THE END!!
  6. What an argumentative point scoring obnoxious cunt you are.......I'm sure you would never be capable of winning a popularity contest, In future slug, I won't acknowledge you, and you get back under your rock and don't acknowledge me.
  7. I agree BB with your assessment of the daylight hours or when the lights are on at night, but when the lights are turned off or down in the Living room or Bedroom , then MHO is that it's not to Leora's or the viewers advantage at all. Perhaps a poll of members would give a more balanced opinion ? 🙂🎬📽💡
  8. Scutus: And I would imagine that given a choice of color or black and white in these circumstances, you would choose, as would most people color..🙂 And definitely if it was at night.
  9. I concede that mostly in photography at times " black and white " does work, and accentuates certain things, but I don't think it works the same on video, mainly I suppose because the lighting or lack off in the apartment does not help to enhance anything in the situation we are referring to, in fact definition in these circumstances is lost....but if you took her to a professional photographer and let him/her work their magic with proper lighting, in black and white on a nude study of her, then I have no doubt the results would be stunning.
  10. Yes, I did write that, but it is open to debate as to whether it did or did not upset her. Only she knows.
  11. Little One, you are making it very HARD to concentrate this morning..Lol 😳
  12. Thank you Iwis. At last someone who can understand that I am not being spiteful or vindictive toward her, merely stating that in grey and white you cannot appreciate her beauty, because there is no depth to it, like looking at a negative.
  13. Don't worry, It's not my intention to upset her, she wouldn't give a shit what I say anyway, so there is no chance of that happening......If anything she might appreciate being advised about the bad visual effects when the lighting is reduced. I know that if the roles were reversed I would. 🙂
  14. She hasn't got panties on tonight, ( unless she has put them on in the last hour) but it's hard to distinguish because of the lighting, or lack off. She went out at around 1500 and returned around 2000, naturally wearing trousers and underwear, on returning she got changed, omitted her panties, and after a few minutes in the GR went into the LR and lay down on the floor minus said panties, but the viewer would have found it difficult to distinguish this. My point is, there is no joy IMO, in watching things in gray and white, which recently has become the vogue.....perhaps RLC are making them pay for electricity used.
  15. What is the point of not wearing panties if the viewer cannot distinguish what is on show because of abysmal lighting?
  16. Time to leave this apartment for the day, when they dim the lights it removes all of the definition and contrast from the view. I hope this does not become a habit, as it will turn the apartment into a daylight only site...around 8 hours per day. There is no joy in watching a gray and white screen.
  17. The smiles and laughter are in response to erotic stories I am contracted by Leora to supply on a weekly basis....lol
  18. Maya is indeed a very intelligent and gifted individual who is not afraid of hard work, Although I rarely look at the other apartments, from the little I know of her she seems to be another of the more genuine people on RLC.....I wonder if she would blossom more if she were offered another apartment.
  19. Perhaps with respect miscvoyeur you should watch the apartment for a couple of weeks, and then judge whether her masturbation technique, or indeed her life in general has changed, you may be surprised...who knows. I would guess that if you looked into most peoples lives 24/7 it would become boring and repetitious. She may not have people visit because of the camera's, she would be duty bound to inform them of their presence, which many people would find off putting, she also has a deep interest in animal welfare , and not many superficial people would create a petition and stand out in minus 22 degrees Celsius for a week, getting signatures to appeal to the government for help looking after the welfare of abandoned dogs.So credit where credit is warranted, there's more to this girl than just a body. IMO
  20. Ah!! I didn't bother to read the profile, perhaps as you say Kalevipoeg, she could be jealous.......But!! If she feels so superior to " Leora " perhaps she could advise her how to improve and spice up her masturbating technique. Leora is a quick learner and good listener, and would I am sure welcome all the advice given to her.....Perhaps Thumper could also post some pictures of herself demonstrating what Leora appears to be doing wrong. As for referring to Leora as Illiterate and ignorant......she is more than capable of reading and writing so is not illiterate, and as for ignorant, she is educated to university level and has a vast knowledge of everyday things, as well as the classics and other matters, she also speaks fluent German and understands one other language apart from Russian......wouldn't we all like to be as " Ignorant " as her. In conclusion Thumper, I sincerely believe you have " fucked up " with you'r assessment of this woman. And before you form an opinion of me also, I would say that I do not think Leora is perfect, none of us are, and we have in the past had a few differences of opinion, and I have even been what she would consider cruel to her.....although not intentionally or without provocation, and of which I have deep regret. But on balance, she is a good kind and caring person who is hurting absolutely no one, and giving pleasure to many..........Can you say that about your life I wonder ?? I'm not sure I can.
  21. Perhaps a year ago she might have got upset and hurt by your remarks, but now she has learned to ignore and laugh at those that abuse her.....which is probably what she is doing now.
  22. I gather you don't like her? Or are you really hiding your true feelings, or perhaps been rejected? That's the great thing about opinions, everyone has one, and their differences add spice to forums like this, Not everyone will agree of course, but that's what makes the world go round. At the moment though I would respectfully disagree with you.
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