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Everything posted by jimbo4

  1. Yeh I know! You sure it's the Pommies and not that your head is too near to your arse mate?
  2. 🤣🤣 You have probably heard the old expression Aussie " Any port in a storm "🤣 But it's admirable that you have at least come on the forum to attempt to defend him.....You have more backbone than the other acolytes put together. Kudos to you !
  3. It is factual mate, No The emojis were not meant for you they were meant for the Leora acolytes who gave you the original ones. By the way, she still haven't answered my question......What are your thoughts on hygiene after 30 hours.
  4. As I said, some condescending people think the sun shines out of her arse and can’t see beyond the tinted glasses because they have their own head too far up their arses. Each to their own!
  5. Funny old life isn't it !! Strange how the usual suspects and founder members of the Leora appreciation society who thinks the sun shines out of her arse and her shit doesn't stink have not responded or defended the accusation regarding Pauls hygiene and Leora apparently allowing him to put his dirt infested cock in her mouth last night. Yup!! Funny old life, or as they say in certain parts of the UK " Nowt as queer as folk "
  6. You just have to look at her other big love......Helping abandoned homeless dogs, she gives shelter to them, she once stood out for eight hours per day for five days in minus 20 Celsius to obtain signatures to send a petition to Putin. She set up a shelter and pays for food for these animals still. It's what she does.....Paul is no different to an unwanted and unloved mongrel.
  7. If he has indeed gone 30 hours without a shower then he is a disgusting revolting disrespectful gobshite. He probably has in that time had several pisses, and no doubt a crap, and he has allowed Leora to go down on him........He is a filthy individual without any desirable hygienic habits and we are all aware of that, but if he has done what has been mentioned then he has gone to a new level of revulsion......But! Even more alarming is Leora going down on him for a BJ, she must have known whether he had showered or not, which at best he is most times " borderline " clean seeing as he doesn't use soap.....What possessed her? 🤢🤢🤢🤑🤑 If this is factual then those usual suspects of "Dumb Dumber and Dumbest" who condescendingly and sarcastically emoji other members posts whilst making no comments themselves must have similar hygienic standards as Paul and Leora seeing as they don't condemn them. 🐌🖕
  8. @NicholasIf it is factual what has been written by @RdKing this morning regarding possibly 30 hours then would your views be any different....And of course those that supported your views above, being the Three Stooges, Dumb Dumber and Dumbest...😁🐌🖕
  9. I think you may be doing Paul an injustice. He is being kind and thoughtful to Leora by not washing himself for 30 hours prior to allowing her the immense privilege of swallowing his cock. Realising that she has such poor eyesight he thoughtfully knew that by not washing he would be allowing her to smell her way to his cock and doing her duty in the event she couldn’t see it. That's thoughtfulness! 🖕🐌
  10. 12 hours sleeping, 8 hours absent from apartment !😴
  11. I am posing a question which is hoped to initiate some serious debate as to the pro's and con's of what is seen by the viewers, and perhaps explaining the different opinions held by members. Do the members think that Leora's day based on the average 10-12 hours sleep, 6-8 hours out of apartment ( working, socialising, walking dog and shopping ) =16-20 hours of unavailability. And is with 4-8 hours of availability at best a good return for time and money invested? Or is it a case of minimum output for maximum input? This is a sincere question, although some will not find it so for their own reasons, but it could throw up some interesting thoughts. Lets face it, if nothing's happening then you have plenty of time to think about how to answer.
  12. Good to see that Scutus the slug is still alive and bitter and has come from under his rock for some fresh air. All he is reduced to nowadays is posting emojis....Poor old sad demented soul !
  13. Situations change Nich' and so do peoples opinions, doesn't make them hypocrites does it? Perhaps your curiosity could be satisfied if you illuminated the instances you are referring to, or is it just a general accusation? Many people prior to Pauls arrival were happy with the situation pertaining to the apartment, and some were genuinely happy for Leora because she was reuniting with Paul and Eva, but some although happy for Leora were also aware that situations and certain freedoms within the apartment might change....The honest answer is that they certainly have unless some people are in denial of that fact. Just as some people think that Pauls arrival has enhanced viewing enjoyment, many think he has contributed to making it worse....That doesn't make them hypocrites mate, it defines them as being honest with their assessment. But as always that's only other peoples opinions which are always open to interpretation,I don’t personally agree with some people’s opinions but I respect them. PS; This post will without doubt bring out the slug (Scutus ) with an sarcastic emoji, that's all he has, and I know that all the time he is sending me them he is unable to frequent the forum for fear of being ridiculed for the demented old fool he is.
  14. Whoaaaaa !!! Gregg mate.....Chill ! Nich was only stating an opinion in defence of Leora which naturally he's entitled to do, just as you are entitled to express your opinion. He has old school morals and manners concerning ladies which is commendable and should be respected by all age groups. I and some others I'm sure know and accept you are only having a laugh, but some people find it offensive.....Don't sweat it !
  15. Whilst on the subject of personal hygiene: Apart from Paul never washing or bathing with soap, he never uses any form of underarm deodorant. If the time ever arrives when he moves fast enough to work up a sweat he must smell rancid. As for Leora, we have all witnessed how fastidious she is about personal hygiene but it may have escaped my notice so does she use underarm deodorant? Wouldn't want to be stuck in a lift in the summer with them for any length of time. Perhaps that's one of the reasons they have no friends.
  16. Much depends on when you consider a bath should be taken Nich. She has several times given him a BJ during the morning when he had last bathed possibly 12 hours previously prior to sleeping throughout the night......Is this acceptable? I think not. The usual suspects may well give you acknowledgements for what you state solely because they have to be seen supporting " The Goddess" but as usual they would be wrong .......Again ! I on the other hand, much as I like you, think you could well be misinformed.
  17. I can't comment on last night but I don't think Paul watches her on his phone, although he may well get other signals, who knows? But if as you say he woke up and went straight to Leora with "sleep breath ", without cleaning his teeth he must have smelt like a polecat.....Fucking gross !! They are complete opposites in many ways, she eats like a lady with immaculate table manners, yet he eats like a pig, she is fastidious about cleanliness and personal hygiene, yet he uses no soap, deodorant or any other form of cleansing agent, she spends 4-5 minutes cleaning her teeth yet he does his in 20-30 seconds. Like I said ....Fucking Gross !!
  18. What it means in layman's terms Greg is ..I can take or leave Leora nowadays, and I personally couldn't give a fuck what people think of me.....
  19. Nicely put Jugs. As an individual I used to be fiercely protective toward Leora and what she does, partly because she was only young and to an extent came across as vulnerable at that particular time. I have moved on since those days and am ambivalent in my attitude toward Leora now, fluctuating from appreciating a good show if I bother to view and total disinterest in someone or something I have seen repeating the same thing in the same surroundings ad infinitum, the only difference is perhaps what she wears. She certainly does less nowadays than she ever did. She is certainly not "vulnerable " any longer and has grown into an hard nosed businesswoman who knows exactly what she wants and how to get it....Nothing wrong with that at all. People's opinions are exactly that, opinions, and if they differ from mine then so be it but they are no more credible than any other, only in the mind of the originator.
  20. If you are talking generally I think you have a good point, but it's been created firstly by those that would not allow any post on here unless it was positive towards Leora, and then taken up by those aggrieved personal and reciprocated when the staunch Leora Fans made their appearance. Some people refuse to accept that this thread is L & P " Home Activities " consisting of positive and negative remarks as in all forums, and not L & P " Fan Page " which by it's very title should encourage staunch fans to have their say without negative or abusive attacks. We have all been guilty at one time or another of perhaps " overreactions " whether positive or negative in response to others, solely because they dare to have different opinions to oneself...How infantile and petty, and mostly from people who by their age ( myself included ) should one would hope know better. If people are honest enough in their assessments and comments regarding what they are viewing then no matter whether their comments are positive or negative they have been made at that particular time with honesty and should be respected as such. There is too much toxicity sometimes on this thread ( I have been as guilty as others ) generated by some peoples dislike of other peoples opinion, whether positive toward Leora or negative ......What does it matter what I think or someone else thinks about her? She's nice enough but not untouchable when it comes to criticism as long as it's respectful. Some remarks are born out of deep personal dislike for another person going back years and they can't for whatever reason let it go, what the fuck are they achieving? Absolutely Nothing !!.....For them there is no hope. Life's too short !!
  21. How many times do you get attacked Aussie? Not very often I don’t think.
  22. From what I can be bothered to watch nowadays, which isn’t a great deal, she's in the “ comfort zone “ She has earned her stripes over the years and believes she has also earned the right to cruise through her routines. It may suit some people if they are that sad that nothing else is relevant in life, or the committed acolytes who think the sun shines out of her arse and would use her shit for toothpaste and her piss as a mouthwash, but some others are more discerning and don’t wear the rose tinted glasses anymore. She and the “ stunned one “ are pretty much going through the motions nowadays, no buildup, foreplay or any signs of romance….just getting on with the job to earn the money, with less and less time spent in the apartment and what little is spent is either sleeping or choreographed to produce the “same shit, different day “ situation Good luck to them, we would all like to do the bare minimum for maximum reward if we had the chance so I suppose we can’t complain too much…..But yes we can, it’s everyone’s right to complain if they think they are getting bad service. No matter what type of vision the individual viewers have, Leora is not the girl she was and never will be again, difficult to accept I would imagine by those who worship her every move. No matter how many objects she shoves up her arse or how many B movie moans and roll of the eyes she does it is meaningless without genuine passion.
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