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Everything posted by Deepdave

  1. I don't know what you are watching but you need a course in statistics. Alberto gets Martina to orgasm more than 10% of the time. Perhaps your numbers should be the other way around. When a man finishes an orgasm he normally deposits a nice gooey wet thing that the woman normally does not want stay with for very long. In addition men sweat. Women mist. So it may not be as comfortable after a good fuck to stayed glued to each other. Also I think Martina is a giver, therefore she loves to give the orgasm as much as she gets the orgasm. When she was with Nelly their lovemaking was more rolling around than actual orgasm. The sessions looked like they lasted longer because they used to kiss a lot. That's what I saw. Their first get together lasted the longest because it was new and exciting. But as they saw each other their sessions got shorter and shorter. It was harder to do something new. Anyway I still feel that Martina and Alberto have a lot of passion for each other because their love is more than a quick flash. They have a truer love for each other. Martina does not have to get drunk to love Alberto. He still gets her horny and they enjoy fucking together.
  2. It is easy to brag on a forum. Have you watched Alberto make love to Martina? You can study his technique in about 100 replays over the years. It looks to me that Martina enjoys herself. Sometimes they go slow and sometimes they go fast. It is often difficult to change your style so that it interesting to all of the RLC viewers. I hope you could perform in front of whatever number of people are watching. And would your wife be able to orgasm as well in front of an audience? It's great that you and your wife are so compatible, but anyone could do that once a month (maybe I am underestimating but who knows other that you). How about 3 or 4 times a week as Alberto and Martina are expected to perform? Again, in front of an audience. I am not so sure. Sorry for being so critical but what Alberto and Martina do is not so simple. Alberto does his best. That is just one of the many reasons that she is still with him and I believe loves him.
  3. I am very pleased that I have blocked HarleyFatboy. I would be very pleased if he blocked me. Thank you HarleyFatBoy
  4. Hi Jennifer You are of course correct about Alberto. But Alberto's bike riding could be significant. He is often gone most of the day and well into the evening. Much can be done in that time. But one other activity that Alberto spends a significant amount of time doing is using his cellphone. I believe he is very knowledgeable about the different apps on his cell that he and Martina use to manage their RLC affairs and any other business that they are considering. Martina's schoolwork requires her computer and every once in a while Alberto helps her with some of the apps. I think Alberto is a smart guy and I find it hard to believe that Martina's thinks that he is just sitting around doing nothing. It is my belief and I have not been told by anyone that something will materialize for Alberto that will surprise us all. At least I hope so.
  5. I will try to be more "succinct" in the future. I would like to say that the "ni ni" comment is overplayed by the forum. It was said once by Martina (if I remember correctly) and everyone has made there own interpretation of what it means. Alberto may seem unmotivated but there are extenuating circumstances that we may not be taking into account, such as covid and his outstanding legal issue. And he may be doing things off cam that we are not aware of. Both Martina and Alberto seem to be happy with their situation and as I have said many times before, this makes me happy. They live their lives the way they want and to the approval with trust and acceptance of each other.
  6. Maybe she wants to get fucked again after darts. Good strategy.
  7. Hi Girlsfun Your comment was eloquent and gracious. Thanks. I will always get upset and respond when I see posts that talk about hard drugs and fantasies that are unfounded. I do think that Martina and Alberto read these comments and have feelings about them. We can think that some of our comments are for the benefit of the other forum readers to excite them but this should not be at the expense of their feelings. They do understand that there are readers that post hurtful comments and they do their best to ignore them. I will always try to explain and support my understanding of the way they carry on their daily life. You cannot forget that RLC is their livelihood and until they have a viable alternative they have to perform. I believe that they perform with their true "real life". I must admit that I love Martina (and Alberto, the dogs and the fish). I get upset when they get upset and I am happy when they are happy.
  8. Amandafan is a numpty. I like that description for Amandafan. Thanks Nagachilli2. End of the great green, not brown earplug caper.
  9. What in the world are you babbling about. Babble, babble, babble. Please use this forum for something that makes sense. Nothing of what you said above has any relevance to Martina. You have said that you like Martina. Then say nice things about her, not babble.
  10. I don't think Amandafan has access to RLC Replay because Amandafan admittedly does not have a subscription or a subscription that has the ability to use Replay. This person may have had a view of something that happened that everyone who has RLC Replay has replayed and not seen what Amandafan saw. By the way it does not make sense that Martina brings out a plastic bag that Amandafan says is drugs. I have never seen Martina or Alberto take drugs as some of the other participants of RLC have done openly. Any mention of drugs in the forum has had the translators saying that this causes Martina to be very upset. Unfounded accusations by persons like Amandafan should be ignored.
  11. There was no scenario to fuck up. Sorry. They are both safe and sound at home.
  12. I think that's so cute. You're worried about Alberto. I think he is in the guest room. There is a more comfortable bed there. He does not want to disturb Martina. She gets a much better sleep when she sleeps alone. He is very considerate while she is going to school.
  13. Sorry to say this, but your persistent comments about Martina makes me believe that it is you who would want Martina's life that you project. Martina is not looking for sex from outside her home. You seem to think only of sex that you would want. Martina wants to enjoy the Barcelona nightlife with her friends. Martina invites Alberto to come along but that is not what Alberto enjoys. He does not stop Martina because he knows he can trust Martina. Although Martina does not need Alberto's approval, she always makes him aware of everything that happens before and after these nights. Leave her alone. Your comments will only upset her and Alberto. I do not understand why you persist. Please stop and let her successfully complete school and then become successful at her chosen profession.
  14. You are amazing. You are with your lover and every weekend you are making love and then all of the sudden at almost exactly the same time you turn off your love and return home . Now that is self control. Think of another reason that this might happen. Either you are with some friends and you are at a bar and the bar closes at that time and you have to go home or even better you are working at that bar and it is time to close the bar and you go home. You do not go to your lovers place because there is no other lover except Alberto. End of my happy story.
  15. She did not come home until later the next day. Very different.
  16. But Alberto knew where Martina was, if she was out all night. And Martina and Nelly often did their loving on cam for the benefit of the RLC viewers and the ratings. The Friday night outings are different. They are either Martina's night for singing and dancing (not sex) or she is working and we will probably never know exactly what's happening unless we follow her around all night (which cannot happen).
  17. I realize that you enjoy making up scenarios but really have not got a clue what they are talking about (because you do not speak their language and google translate is at best sketchy) or about what is happening off cam. What is fact is when you see them enjoy talking to each other. You see Martina going to school everyday and then studying when she gets home at night and then going to bed at 12 midnight with goodnight kisses to Alberto and the dogs. Isn't it unusual that Martina religiously gets home before 8AM every Friday night and does not stay over at this fictitious boyfriend's or girlfriend's place. If she is enjoying herself with this person so much you would think that she might slip one week. No, her return coincides with the closing of the bars and may indicate that she is working at these bars (this has not been confirmed but is possible) You are still dreaming that you are Martina and are putting yourself into her place and making up what you would like to see happen to yourself. Martina and Alberto are good people. Stop trying to ruin their relationship. If their relationship is rocky (which I do not think is) they will either work it out or not. But it should not be because of your weird scenarios.
  18. I like your reasoning. "They seem to be rocky but strong." The old adage is opposites attract. They seem to have different opinions in many areas but at the end they listen to each. They talk a lot. I often see them discussing the news, discussing what's happened to each other during the day or the night, deciding if the one wants to cook for the other, deciding how the chores around the house arel divided, loving the dogs and fish together, she talks to her mother while Alberto listens, and they respect each other when one wants to make love and the other does not necessarily want to. I can go on and on. Love is not only the physical one but also the mental one. They get into an argument and they seem to know how to resolve the argument. They are tolerant of each other. As Yelt says "they seem to be rocky but strong". I like that.
  19. You are a dreamer. Your dreams are probably for yourself. Have many more happy dreams today.
  20. As long as she is dreaming, this guy is also a drug addict. He beats women when they don't agree with him. And he has a criminal record as long as your arm. A perfect hunk of a man. And I am making this up.
  21. Just checked. Martina is on Alberto's side of the bed. Free cam right now. Alberto still awake. He should try to go to bed earlier to match Martina's sleep time. I know he tries not to disturb Martina while she is sleeping but I think she likes when he sleeps next to her.
  22. I saw what Noldus saw. Whatever happened Alberto apologized and they spent the hour before she went to bed together. Some people are making up stories. Don't do that. I am sure that Alberto will find a way to spend more time with Martina. They do enjoy talking together and will find a way to make Martina happy. If Martina is happy, Alberto is happy which makes me happy.
  23. So this timeline is very clear. You would think that if Nelly and Martina were still together they would not have left each other so quickly that evening. There does not seem to any doubt that what Nelly tries to do is get Martina drunk and then she can try to reestablish their love affair. But Martina does not allow this to happen. Nelly tried to do the same thing a few weeks earlier at the villa and Martina refused to give in. Martina wanted Nelly as a friend, not as a lover. Nelly has proven that she cannot just be friends. Their separation is further verified by the fact that they have not been seen together since this date. It's possible that they have been meeting off-cam but when does Martina have time to do this. Generally when Martina has gone partying on a Friday night we can see Nelly asleep in bed with Bogdan. It's impossible for Nelly to be in 2 places at the same time and obviously Friday nights were a perfect time to meet, if at all. Martina, you have a vision and it's to get an education in an area that you find interesting and enjoy. You will do well in life. Keep up the good work!!
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