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Everything posted by Deepdave

  1. What in the world are you talking about? Are you saying that I am part of a controlled network and we are conspiring against you. What a joke. No one is conspiring against you. You are asking for ridiculous information and no one is compelled to say anything that they do not wish to say.
  2. I dare you to write personal conversations that you have had with people that you would not want anyone else to know. No one has to be dared to participate in this forum. Every post is voluntary and on your own personal preference.
  3. I think that Martina was a little out of control tonight and I think she knew it. She tried apologizing to Alberto many times but Alberto is stubborn and tries to prove a point with Martina. I have said before they should never go to bed being mad at each other. I always hope that in the morning they forget and make up. This was an unusual night. I think Alberto and Bogdan were expecting Martina and Nelly home much earlier. But the girls decided to go drinking and by EMNV comment almost got into an accident. The guys did other things. Alberto went for a bike ride and Bogdan exercised. The girls finally came home but they immediately lost Nelly. Martina had returned home but came back to the Villa to check up on Nelly and that's when Martina and Bogdan had their chat. I did not understand the chat but EMNV gave us the short version. Martina went home and Alberto was probably upset that she was home so late. Plus he was tired from his bike ride and he looked like he had a headache when he went to bed. Martina continued to be sorry but it was too late. That is my version of what I saw tonight but I must admit I did understand their conversation and wish that someone could translate so that there would be no misinterpretation, as some people in this forum are prone to do.
  4. Your multiple responses to me continue to prove what I have said about you earlier. You would not need to be so rude to me if you were so right. As I said before, please find another hobby.
  5. Did you understand the conversation or are you just saying it was strange.
  6. I watched and listened to most of their conversation. It was in Russian, not English. Maybe there was one or two words in English but nothing about what jman9212 (the false storey teller and troublemaker) claims.
  7. EMNV is very reliable. You, jman9212, are a conspiracy theorist, a false story teller and a troublemaker. Your stories have proven false so many times it is hard to take you seriously. When you tell false stories you affect the participants of RLC. You should take up another hobby instead of watching RLC 24/7.
  8. You are the King of Conspiracy Theories. I trust Martina. Alberto is aware of all of Martina's friendships. Martina is diligently getting ready for school and that will be taking up most of her excess time for the next period in her life and Alberto will be there to help. Watch and be impressed.
  9. They are watching "Storage Wars". I love "Storage Wars"!!
  10. He worked so hard preparing those fish for their holdiday, there is no way the fish are goling to die. Someone suggested that there was a slow release food that he might be using.
  11. Don 't tell anyone but they are not on holiday.😞 To bad!
  12. This proposal will not work. Martina is going to school and they will not want to disrupt her future for a short term job.
  13. What special information does Harley have? Is he reliable or fake.
  14. That's very nice of you to offer to take care of the dogs so that both of them can go on vacation together!!
  15. There is no doubt that Alberto is aware of what happened. I think they have been discussing it much of the whole evening.
  16. We have no idea why they broke or who broke up with who. And probably we will never know unless they decide to tell. It does not look like either of them were happy with this and thus that makes me believe that they did not make the choice. They can focus their love and passion, each with their current guy. Alberto can make Martina very happy and Bogdan can make Nelly very happy. Happiness is not just sex.
  17. Nelly is very drunk tonight. I am not sure why Bogdan is ignoring her. Looks like she needs help.
  18. Thank you for the great information. I have never been a fan of Nelly but I know that Martina felt very close to her. She is lucky to have Alberto to support her through this tough time. They will continue to grow together with all the other great plans. They are a smart couple!
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