The macbook girl is still on her macbook and you must know; the macbook is her life. Some day when she lost her macbook she must dies immediately, cause a life without macbook for her, is like a life without to breathe for an normal human. Please, please leave - you and your macbook.
Ilona please leave this house. RLC please trow her out. Is this reallife when she is the half day in the laundry room? I guess no. So, please out with her :bang head:
Ilona;please leave this house. You are all day long at the macbook and when you need do masturbate you go in the room without cams. You don't deserve to live there on our expense. Leave and make place for a other girl, please.
Bähhh, what a dirty stinky girl, can't believe. She sleeps with all the clothed, then out of bed without shower and change her underwear. In some days she will stink up whole barcelona :-[ :-[
i allways guessed she is boring, cause she allways taked distance from him. But now i know why; he is a big asshole and danger. Put this asshole in a physical clinic or in a jail. Put this bastard away, soon as possible.
Cest une batterie
It's a battery that can be charged and then you can use it to charge your cell phone battery. Just extra battery power for the cell phone.
Ahhh, ok. Just see dildos, since kamila is back ;D
cause she never wanna have sex with him. He allways want sex, but she never; when they have the rare sex, she don't let him shove the penis in her vagina; looks like she hate sex, she have no fun.
No wonder every guy would go crazy with this kind of girl. She looks good, wearing sexy clothes, but you don't have sex with her. This is a partnership killer at all.
Nora was only in the bathroom, cause milana was in the bathtube. Now milana is out and nora again in the living room. Nora you stupid dump, thanks for ruin the view; that was, was she wanted. Go to hell nora.
really? when it's true, i hate rita now and hope she leave very soon this house. We pay for noting to see. Better we throw our money out of the window :-*