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Everything posted by Thestarider

  1. It is all just a fucking soap opera anyway in the screwed up apartment. SCORE MORE in B-4
  2. There very easily could be a threesome here tonight but Numi will make nothing happens, wait, watch, and see if I am correct !@!!
  3. No not really, she has turned me off too many times.
  4. Too bad too, because Numi is just a cock blocker and doesn't play that game.
  5. My Condolences on your loss, I sympathize with you as I too lost my wife 22 years in 2005. It takes a while to get back up off the floor after you have been knocked down like that. I am really glad you have decided to participate again, Thanks, I think there are those memebrs that would beg to differ with you on the praise but I thank you old that means coming from old timer. I sometimes wished I would have said No to the Admin. The forum has grown quite bit in the last few years and it takes a lot of time, and I still work a full time job.
  6. Hello Old friend, welcome back to the craziness. It has been a long time since your spring popped you up. I agree I think it was a reason for her to get away from Paul myself. I also think she being the Matriarch of RLC was made a very good deal that she just couldn't refuse. It is really nice to hear from you again.
  7. My Tribute is ready, I am just convinced she has it in her ??? WOOOOO HOOOOOO Fabulous First Rate Fantastic Fiby…….Very Very Nice. 😍 And then the: And then: Just Awesome and EROTIC and Sensually Seductive
  8. Fabulous Fiby is a blossoming flower, it would nice to see the pedals of that flower instead of just the bulb. Maybe we need to give her some Magic water and she will let her flower open up. 😎
  9. Rammer Jammer the Human Jack Hammer is going to be busy tonight. Nate might just get to find out what another little pixie feels is like.
  10. Masha needs a play toy of the Human kind, either a pointer or a setter would be fine. Enough with the cam shows though.
  11. WOOOOO HOOOOOO NAUGHTY NAOMI …….Very Very Nice. 😍 And then the: And then: Just Awesome and EROTIC and Sensually Seductive
  12. Now we know what happened to the girls of B-1 when they visited SCORE MORE in B-4, They got into Damira's Black Box of goody's.
  13. Everyone brings dildo's to the party in Damira's room and what does Fiby bring ??? You guessed it... "Popcorn" LOL 🤣🤣🤣
  14. Well That makes 2 of us, but that was in reference to her shaving her landing strip "100% USSR Prime", so now if want to land my plane I have to go the Fiby Forrest to find a place to land. If I try to land on of smooth landing strips god only knows where I might end up. 😎
  15. I would like to say: UMMMM HUMMMM so very nice Sexy Sultry Sara …...Ohhhhhh soooooooo smooth ……..wooooo yes smooth as new born baby's butt.
  16. I will pass this request along to the Moderators and the Forum Admin, we will make sure there are no media files posted until further notice. Thanks for the heads up.
  17. Please will someone please go help her out a little, she is wearing me out watching.
  18. LOL has nothing to do with your fantasy about her and Rocco the Rammer.
  19. Are you watching her ? Then you would know what she is frustrated about.
  20. Debby is frustrated tonight, it is time to try something new Debby. There are so many ways to get yourself off, it doesn't always have to be the same. I have no idea why Damira puts up with Fiby. Damira so bad wants Fiby to get in the game, but she prefers the bench. After Damira leaves Fiby will never come out of her room except to eat.
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