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Everything posted by Thestarider

  1. No that is right you act just like a child who had his butt spanked but good, once a child always a child
  2. Ze you are not man enough to admit when you are wrong, I would expect no less from you. Sad really that someone so young who barely has learned the ways of world is so set in his ways. The old saying is very true, with age come wisdom and knowledge of life.
  3. I completely agree with that Newark, she was kinda shy at first when they first came online. Quite young as well, just out of school, Incredible lovely woman she most certainly has become, extremely intelligent, very talented and artistic. Paul is a lucky guy, he just does not realize it very often
  4. So then you remember the old apartment that Leora and Paul got from Lina and Mark then ?
  5. Mr.Box it takes two to tango.... K&K are quite open in all aspects, and live very normal life of two incredibly beautiful young ladies. So just for once on this forum admit you were wrong !!!
  6. It is the way it is Newark, for reasons you will never understand. You are far to new to this forum. Suffice to say that Leora will be forever known as the GODDESS, and Danaya will be known as APHRODITE, Kristy is known as BUNS of STEEL but the QUEEN will forever be NORA, with many many princess's like Kamila, Ilona, Irma and Anna, and the picture is just a sampling of the many princess's
  7. Lola has to carry the load for Barcelona 2, it is too bad that the other two girls look so unhappy, and miserable, to be stuck in such a lovely place like Barcelona Spain. They have everything that most young ladies dream of, but with that being said, these girls were not ready for the intimidation of being on camera 24/7. The maturity it takes, the self confidence it takes, and being a exhibitionist is a must to be on RLC. Unfortunately these two are none of the above, and are dragging Lola down because of it.
  8. It is a outty not a inny....... That bank is for withdraws not deposits
  9. daily old friend here is the definition from Websters: Simple Definition of voyeur : a person who gets sexual pleasure from secretly watching other people have sex : a person who likes seeing and talking or writing about something that is considered to be private : one obtaining sexual gratification from observing unsuspecting individuals who are partly undressed, naked, or engaged in sexual acts; broadly : one who habitually seeks sexual stimulation by visual mean : a prying observer who is usually seeking the sordid or the scandalous
  10. Oh don't you know that CC minds are in speculation mode with all kinds of scenarios of what is going on with Megan,Amy and Master Manipulator Ilona right now, why she showed them the text messages, ad why they suddenly got dressed and left Lola at home alone
  11. You can clearly see that lona has chosen to try to bring Megan along, and keeps her distance from Amy. Lola is the Star of this apartment,
  12. As well as those who wish upon a shooting stars at night, somehow that beautiful sky can make dreams come true Always in our thoughts
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