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Everything posted by Kdminx

  1. Dasha hasn't half got some patience. She's been doing those ugly dreads for hours!
  2. Surely she isn't still with Demid? Why would she want to have her sexuality squashed so thoroughly?
  3. Really? I'd have loved to have seen that.
  4. Weird. I was wondering if she'd rub one out. Why would she give it a little rub then stop?
  5. Dasha alone in the apartment. Lots of walking around naked, applying body butter, etc. She hasn't rubbed one out yet though...
  6. What the hell is the deal with Dasha? She was at N&B's the other week. How well does everyone know each other?
  7. Can I just say: I don't like the layout of the new apt. The layouts that work best are the open plan kitchen/living room apartments. EG: Leora/Paul, Nina/Kira, Nelly/Bogdan, Masha/Sasha, Julia/Eric, Kitty/Smith. The formula for success is one big room where everything happens, with bedrooms/bathrooms off of it. No stairs, no hiding places, no hunting to see who is doing what, where.
  8. She is naked on rare occasions. Sometimes when they are around too. They did have a threesome but it was a but rubbish.
  9. We don't know. My guess is that they get x amount per viewer minute, and X amount for every paying viewer minute. RLC used to be just normal people doing their thing. Leora has always been a nympho but the others were much more like J&E, M&S, N&K, ordinary couples leading ordinary lives. However recently there have been far more "pornstar" or "stripper" types playing up to the cameras. There have also been a number of "tricks" such as flashing lights, so maybe they get paid for movement too.
  10. Leora naked on the sofa just starting to rub one out. She's looking at he phone. I wonder what her porn of choice is?
  11. Just checked in again 20 mins later and she's put clothes on and is going him a massage!
  12. Just dropped in. Leora naked on the sofa cuddling Paul. Have they fucked already? Or should I stick with them?
  13. If they're going to be on their phones all the time we should at least be able to see what they're looking at:
  14. Lots of people do. There was a time when her VK (Russian Facebook) account was viewable too. However as with all these things it only takes a few morons to ruin it and now social media accounts are locked down and those that do know the real names won't tell you.
  15. I used to love this apt. They seemed more genuine and less aware of the cameras than some of the others. It seemed that they didn't "perform", they were naked or having sex because that's what they wanted to to. With the occasional threesome or hot guest for extra spice. However recently it has become not great viewing. They don't seem to have the same chemistry they once had.
  16. As much as I like that bathrobe, does it ever go in the wash?
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