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Everything posted by tweety

  1. I understand that it is frowned upon to cover the cams. (cam 5)
  2. She did that already tonight, and swallowed.
  3. I love it. She puts everything she has into it.
  4. She loves to look, and suck, and lick, and gobble. he has a similaar bent, too.
  5. I think she was/is upset because henry was feeling veronica up in the loggia.
  6. Meanwhile, in the married couple\s room. Insert other media
  7. I think Mira is ticked that Henry was playing with Veronica in the loggia (conveniently hidden by the blind)
  8. Yes. Looks like Darren will get Veronica. Is that a good coupling?
  9. So that, by a process of elimination, means green shirt is Ron?
  10. I have too many cams to look at, lol. The guy dancing with Veronica (in the green shirt)?
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