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Everything posted by tweety

  1. Another big squirt from Veronica. You could see it running down henry's arm
  2. She likes Mira's body, and pussy in particular.
  3. She has too many clothes on, but I figure that is going to change.
  4. I do not think she is extra mature - she deliberately colours her hair white. Henry helped her do it not so long ago. She likes people being physical with her, to the point of making you wince
  5. Looking through the timeline (approx 3;22 am their time if you can watch), I did not see anything out of line between Darcie and Rick in the bathroom. No unwanted advances, gropes, etc. It might have been as a result of the goings on in the kitchen earlier. So I wonder whose decision it was to leave, which appeared to come suddenly. Things seemed amicable when they did go, so I dunno.
  6. Was there a falling out? An altercation? A goodbye kiss? Anything??
  7. I don't think she does. I think she would rather sample Betty
  8. The table in the living room has 4 place settings, and Darcie and bf left about 5 minutes ago.
  9. But wait. Maybe there is hope Darcie getting gussied up to go out?
  10. Like I said a bit earlier - settling down for the night. I wonder what the excuse to Betty was.
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