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Everything posted by tweety

  1. '"Bull" has just arrived. Edit. At least I think it is he.
  2. I think that the heating isn't working.
  3. You could check the Russian White Pages, once you find her last name and the city she lives in (hint- same city as Mira & Henry)
  4. Good dig, golfer. I guess he still likes to eat pussy.
  5. Louis Armstrong Crossed his left heel when he heard her singing his song ... as the translation goes. Not too sexual to me.
  6. Good pics Robwin. Thanks. Your last pic would look encouraging for Betty, if it would stay that way.
  7. I think Rick gave the person something - maybe money? Couldn't see clearly at the doorway. Anyway, he is gone.
  8. I think that they are done. Maybe Bull will turn up later tonight. Hope so.
  9. This guy doesn't even get a cup of tea. (Hasn't performed yet)
  10. This is not our 'bull', this is a younger guy, methinks. It is not even 6 pm . Maybe Betty is hoping for a double header. Edit. Another clue - there were no loving touches, or suck of the cock, squeeze of the ass, when he came in. Betty would have done that, for sure.
  11. Maybe it is the bull, asking her if she feels horny. It is only 1:45 am after all.
  12. Maybe nothing going on tonight - I do not see any food preparations in the kitchen
  13. Good post Amy. With the new free cam position in this apt overlooking the faucet, we can watch TV now. Of course, it is the only thing we can watch, but I won't go there. i pissed off enough people at the M & H place.
  14. When did they change the free cam to that of the kitchen showing the faucet?
  15. OK. he's gone for this evening. 2:15 am. Show over.
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