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Everything posted by purplewrap

  1. it looked to me that Ilona paid more attention to her kitty than her body - but I got the feeling it was because she's on her period. Didn't catch what Irma did. I did notice Ilona bring some spare pads, knowing she'd be out late perhaps? but I have no idea as why she isn't back yet... shame for me as I would have liked to watch her a bit in bed before I have to log off... not likely now with only 10min left of online time for me
  2. I missed their exit so I don't know... If you look in her room, her wardrobe is still full of her clothes....so I would imagine she will be back...
  3. didn't appear to be intoxicated... she did her normal wash down there in bathroom before bed...no stumbles as far as I could tell
  4. It almost looks like Lola is spooning Polya in bed right at this moment in time (they do move around in their sleep) Go on girls!!....
  5. I'm trying to stay positive beaver...lol not much is happening at the moment, and I've just got 2 hrs and a bit left of shift before I have to log off... Got meetings most of the day tomorrow, so if I don't see the girls tonight, I will most likely miss most of tomorrow
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