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Everything posted by purplewrap

  1. Anezka and guest girl is sleeping in different rooms at the moment, so no girl-girl to night I don't think...
  2. Of course! But def Ilona as I LOVED watching her in the shower and getting dressed tonight If Irma starts soon, even BETTER!
  3. Just wonder if Ilona took Irma out to the airport? I didn't watch their exit so not sure if they took suitcases?
  4. Hey Harley, It doesn't really, but cheers anyways. I gather you have some connection issues? I cant imagine how frustrating that would be if you was a member! So perhaps youre good right this moment in time.
  5. I can't believe how time flies!! There is just something special - almost magical - about Ilona's room! Been watching it continuously for the last 4.5 hrs! Marvelling in her beauty It's almost hypnotic the way she moves around in her sleep. For me, very few things are better that this beautiful view
  6. I think we all do if I'm being honest. Very few are capable of watching all the cams at all times. That would require a lot...LOL I've managed to capture/see a bit today but I know for a fact that I've missed a lot of good stuff too. Just the way the cookie crumbles I guess...
  7. Lol... Iliona actually has something in her panties at the moment, so I don't think Irma would be particularly interested in gaining her red wings on camera. Obviously good for us watching if she did, but realistically - in my opinion - highly unlikely
  8. Couldn't disagree with you more. No matter what day it is - or has been for that matter - watching the fun and frolics in this flat alone has been worth my subscription (or pretty close to it!) It's been so good actually that I'm seriously considering rejoining once my current membership runs out
  9. off topic for this thread but since it's the most active one... any of you have any idea(s) who the new girl is in Carina & Sabrina flat is??
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