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Everything posted by purplewrap

  1. Is this of Stella playing?? If it is, can someone send cap(s) in a PM to me?! Thanks Edit: no message yet
  2. Nice ones! You beat me to it....lol Thanks for the share
  3. Anna looking soooo yummy in that sexy thong.... Irma had lovely lips....but this mound is also very hot....
  4. Is Desiree doing something in the bedroom right now? Or just sleeping? Edit: looks like both Desiree and girl friend (guest) went to sleep. Was rather nice watching guest getting ready to sleep on couch....with the very feminine subtle scratching
  5. That's because only CamCaps' premium members can see the caps I think....
  6. THANK YOU KINDLY for sharing!! Really much appreciated
  7. I wouldnt say fingering....it didnt look like that to me this time... I would say it looked more like a gentle tease.... perhaps with a potential more to come...
  8. If there is a cap here, are there any kind souls that can PM me it?!
  9. You are of course entitled to have your opinion As am I.... and I think you can shove your comment up where the sun never shines Classy man you are not
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