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Everything posted by purplewrap

  1. Any Irma fans out there?!? Here is the cap of the looooovely Irma and the saying: "A picture can say a 1000 words" is quite true and appropriate here I think Absolutely amazing stuff
  2. Nice one! Thank you kindly for sharing I guess the positive thing for us is that sessions like these makes it more likely that Desiree will get her toys out! And that is pretty amazing to watch i think
  3. Have you ever seen any of the girls use the toilet in view here?? I haven't. So mabye those toilet bugs arent an issue? Why isn't the wine a problem?? To kill bacteria you need 40% and above, dont you? (I've never seen anyone sterilise anythingvwith a bottle of wine. A bittle of vodka on the other hand...plenty of times)
  4. (no question about it...she LOVES to watch porn!! )
  5. Aaaaaaaahhhhhhh (with volume turned up...hehe)
  6. The cap was accidentally deleted, but after some time I managed to recover it... Here's a cap of what I mentioned above.... pretty amazing stuff...
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