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Everything posted by purplewrap

  1. Its only because Im in the middle of no where at the moment...lol When Im at home, i have great internet connection - at least most times
  2. Missed out on this one..... Bummer!! Been going through some earlier captures and found some great caps of Anezka, Ilona, Irma, Polya, Sabrina and Masha. All with pads Difficult to post stuff with a dial-up service....even this post took a long time!...lol
  3. Not sure if that us bad for us....?! If Desiree plays more with her toys, then i dont mind the slightest Perhaps Im selfish....but my God she is LOVELY to watch when she masturbates!!
  4. I absolutely LOVE to watch Desiree She if my favourite girl to watch by far Especially when she is on her own Desiree getting ready for some lovely me-time.... Absolutely magical
  5. A bit of gentle fun by Kamila..... EDIT: I posted a pic here....but after reading comment above, perhaps it's not worth it and I took it down.
  6. You're more than welcome to share your pics here!
  7. Mmmmm...this one is absolutely LOVELY Thank you very much for sharing hiddenwood!!!
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