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Everything posted by Brokk!

  1. Let's hope. Going back to the situation two weeks ago would be like committing suicide. Unless it's the final show before leaving.
  2. Leora prepares for her usual show. Apparently the Aunt has already left.
  3. Mila and Radi also behave the same way. There is just a weird air. Maybe it's just bad weather...
  4. Another lap, another race...Or so it seems.
  5. Leora is free to do what she wants but if she continues like this she will get nothing but more criticism. The freedom to do what she want has consequences, she can't think she's always idolized if she doesn't do anything to deserve it.
  6. In the meantime, the robot has activated itself...ok.
  7. It's hard to blame you. It pisses me off her senseless attitudes towards us and for no reason. Sometimes Leora feels like she's doing it on purpose and acting like a bitch with us. She does nothing to avoid criticism, as if it suited her well.
  8. Usual long phone call apparently. Obviously there is no certainty who she is talking to. Looking forward I would exclude LB (also because if in theory she was with him last night I don't see the reason to be on the phone so much) but with Leora you can never give anything for sure...
  9. Basically Rasputin's grandson has material for 2-3 sets of hard photos and videos for a week.
  10. However, there has never been a photo shoot that has lasted for almost a week...
  11. It's not useless, at least not for SOMEONE like Radi who wants to monopolize rlc.
  12. I can understand everything but why does Mila have this need to hide her face or her whole body? If Mila has problems let someone see her rather than "this". If she feels embarrassed (embarrassed for a girl who's been on rlc for years?) it is evident that she is not suitable for being on rlc.
  13. Ah ok, I thought Leora had met another guy. Instead it is always the same. 😄
  14. Do you mean LB? This is certainly not new...
  15. I hate you when you write the same things I write but one second earlier 🤣
  16. Anyway, I wonder what a type course Leora is attending. In B1 I see that the girls more or less study almost every day, while Leora goes to periods.
  17. Maybe, who knows? 🤷‍♂️ It depends on whether she wants to meet someone or not.
  18. Leora is preparing to go out, probably (since last night she reviewed something in her notebook and tablet) for the Czech lesson.
  19. Radi is just sick of wanting to be first at any cost. She doesn't like being just second in replays or top cams. Not even Leora has reached these levels of desperation.
  20. Anyway, Anna and Lola have amply demonstrated that if they want they can make sense of subscribing on RLC. Let's hope that after this weekend and this Monday will bring some changes, maybe starting to masturbate without those fucking blankets and maybe staying a little longer at home taking the "work at home". The only one who remains the absolute worst is Mila who manages to invent new ways to cover herself while having sex or masturbating.
  21. Let's hope it's not a baby 😂
  22. And in fact Mila is licking Radi 😆 Some people don't like being second
  23. Hopefully this doesn't mean we have to wait every 6 months to finally see something interesting. We hope it is a start of something new that brings panache to this apartment. Meanwhile Radi ran for cover in B4 and is massaging Mila again 😆
  24. It may be that everything is connected (intensive cell phone use and not being able to sleep). It is true that when Leora was in Russia she did not have these problems, yet even there she used the telephone a lot.
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