In my opinion it is quite clear that she will not go there today. She hasn't even come back yet and I don't think she brought a change when she left. What is certain is that if the next few weeks are like this, this apartment will be truly unwatchable.
It is also strange that she has not even returned this morning. Could she have gone to sleep at LB's because he wasn't working today? Did she actually stay asleep with a friend? We will never know and this is quite frustrating.
It would be nice to see this "Something special" in front of the cameras but I guess we're just poor unworthy assholes who demand too much.
Just think, a year of dating and still does not even trust to take him to her house even if it were for a half second.
Great, Leora has been practically away from home for 3 consecutive days and RLC has connection problems. Yes, I really want to fill these assholes with my money. *sarcasm*
What if she posted a story on Instagram? I don't think she just uses it to like and watch bullshit. Unless she wanted to show someone the new non-slip bath mat but in case she had to do it before filling the tub with water 😆
Another mystery...
And she left the light on. I don't know what to think, I doubt she has been at the salon all this time. But I also doubt she went to him this morning since him should be at work in theory.
Well, this was a surprise. It was known that she was busy today but that she came out around 1:30 am is quite strange.
Maybe the two phone calls to LB helped but there wasn't the usual preparation to go out as usual.
So let's get ready for a second round before bedtime. If she still intends to be out all day it will mean that tomorrow she will come back only to "sleep"