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Everything posted by EMMETT111

  1. they must have done it at least 20 to 30 times now I have not counted and that's just a guess
  2. yes I have so often I cant count all the times they had intercourse ,they have been doing it at least every 3 days as they switch sleeping partners and sometimes when masha is in the bath too or when ever they might be alone actually ๐Ÿ˜€
  3. nobody thought she would eat pussy either so you never really know
  4. you are right about that for sure its time for some new blood and some new plot lines no doubt
  5. they have not had intercourse as a threesome only oral sex and that was already posted
  6. you are not far off actually its fake mostly for sure,i often compare this site to my favorite so called reality shows I know a lot is staged for my entertainment but I still like watching it till I get to the reruns then I can live without them which is where I'm at with the barca apts I have seen it all already and I'm just waiting for the new season to start so to speak
  7. I knew it had to be a conspiracy and nora had to be in there somewhere she is probably right there for the big lesbian blocked cam welcome party for candy ๐Ÿ˜‰
  8. don't listen to me I just have a twisted sense of humor sometimes ๐Ÿ˜€
  9. I'm thinking the camera is on a loop and hi heels fisting some garden vegtables and a gallon of baby oil is involved lol ๐Ÿ˜Š after all its a welcome party isn't it what do you think they usually really go um for the new girls for lol oh I'm on a roll tonight
  10. ok sure they are sleeping that's what they want you to think lol๐Ÿ˜€
  11. this apt is for masturbating and body painting only how dare they actually have sex here ๐Ÿ™„
  12. I only really watch this site for the drunken or what ever they do parties ๐Ÿ˜‰ so really I mostly watch the barca apts and eva's place used to say m and s too the rest I can live without its the variety and the you just never know what you will see next that gets me,when they just do the same thing over and over again and faking everything just for views that's boring and that I can live without
  13. I still think it is really weird masha would leave as soon as dick and jane got here knowing their history its just not what I expected for sure
  14. may not have a subscription now but I can count on you for the live play by play ๐Ÿ˜€
  15. actually I'm waiting on some new girls and new games and maybe some honest and for real pussy eating this fake crap is BS imo it pisses me off when they play us for fools while I don't know it for a fact but would bet that more than half the girls if not more would have no problem doing it for real but they all fake it on here I just don't get it they are trying to make everyone think they are doing it so why not just do it just saying
  16. well my subscription finally ended it could have happened at a better time โ˜น๏ธ
  17. so many guys absolutely refused to believe the girls did drugs in the apt till we all saw them do it with our own eyes in bathroom in b2 or the times they would all take turns going into the bathroom when there was a guy in there the whole time at a couple of b1 parties or even rose getting jas stoned right in roses room just not long ago or when they all went off cam to smoke with putin we all knew what they were doing,and I really don't think these girls would be all upset and freak out because someone thought they were sneaking off to smoke some pot or do a line they are not that innocent
  18. same thing with lola's friend the girls would all take turns going into the bathroom with him
  19. all three airing it out now,damn makes it wonder what they did they all come back get cleaned up now all airing out their pussies ๐Ÿ˜€
  20. very very strange that m would leave as soon as d and j got here as we know how close they are and d and j will only be here a couple of days so I just think its very odd is all
  21. that's not rose that's amy this is rose ๐Ÿ˜Šbut on a serious note I see rose has started to pack
  22. I have 2 days left now I don't know how I will live with out nights like tonight lol ๐Ÿ™„
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