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Everything posted by EMMETT111

  1. people say that nothing could happen with her friend because he is gay well so is her brother and that didnt stop him from having sex with a girl and on cam no the less
  2. and just when were these venomous comments taking place,the only venom i heard was when they had sex off cam lol i thought everyone loved watching them have sex silly me i guess
  3. well Martina makes a habit of doing things off cam to say the least,maybe big bonus would help lol
  4. i thought the same thing but then again there is no shortage of guests in other apts that have had no problem with the cams so its hard to believe that in all these years Martina could not find one girl to do a threesome on cam
  5. so you people that say Al is just happy with just having sex with Martina and he is not interested in having sex with anyone else even though she does,so is he retarded just a cuckold
  6. knew a guy that had a hot girlfriend that would go out to bars and would bring home girls for him to have threesomes with,you cant tell me Martina can never find anyone that would do the same
  7. lol yep everyone just walks away from the most intense sex we have ever seen on RLC,six hour sessions with skin worn off the knees i am sure they are just friends now because if they are not having sex on cam then it aint happening right
  8. so is he as gay as her brother who had sex on cam with a girl lol
  9. so to carry on my thought as it was the last post on the last thread,Martina has no problem whipping her pants down and pissing in front of all her male friends and she comes home without either panties or bra or both but she is a angel though ,LOL
  10. the queen of RLC Eva would never do drugs its all in your imagination,thats what i had to listen to when i said her and Sam (who is now with the biggest drug using slut ever to be on RLC BTW) used to do drugs with their guests i was told i was making it all up lol
  11. oh if i was young again i would not hesitate to be paid to live in a villa in beautiful Barcelona with a bunch of hot girls open mined enough to get nude in front of thousands
  12. i have noticed one thing over my many years that more often than not the most vocal anti gay guys are usually closet cases themselves
  13. and i am still pissed off about when i said Eva and sam were doing ecxtasey with thier guests, that i actualy saw many times with my own eyes and do you think any of you assholes would back me up so fuck you people
  14. i still think she fucked Boggy so she could keep fucking Nelly and at least one of those translators you speak of is so enamored with her he thinks her mother is the most impressive person he knows of so i have doubts they would ever say anything that makes Martina look bad
  15. let this be a lesson to all you guys that just dismiss anything someone tries to tell you,i dare say he nailed it with what he said as she has only slept there what maybe 3 nights now
  16. i canceled a just before they came online and saw all the thumbnails clear for a few days,then they had sex and that just so happened to be the only time the thumbnails were blurred and funny they have been clear ever since
  17. they had Hakeem that kept bringing home different girls,bunch of guys bitched about that the girls were all hookers, i guess you cant please everyone i guess
  18. has she even taken a shower in the apartment yet they have been there a week and i have not seen or heard of her doing it
  19. seen she was there then he showed up now looks like they left already and not even one comment ,great couple you found this time RLC ,edited i see they are in bed my mistake
  20. its really looking like you might be right about them,she has only been in the apt a few hours and sleeps somewhere else most of the time i give them another week a month at the most before they leave
  21. RLC is funny ,i canceled my sub for the umpteenth time LOL,got a free day then after that ended got two days of all the thumbnails clear now the thumbnails are so blurry you cant even make out its humans in the picture
  22. haha i could have worded it a little better,but my point was valid,was walking down the road one day and had a bottle thrown at me and was told to get a hair cut so i can relate
  23. its called judging a book by its cover,if you present yourself a certain way you cant be pissed if people make assumptions based on that,i had long hair back when it was not looked upon very well and was told i looked like a girl ,you know what oh well that comes with trying to be different and not conforming
  24. they are hardly the first couple not to be liked,there was a couple on here once whenever he tried to have sex she refused to do anything with the guy and she would not show anything they lasted like three days maybe
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