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Everything posted by EMMETT111

  1. and it also headed off arguments and off topic rants,after 20 pages you could not reply to comments on a hot topic and 20 pages can go pretty quickly
  2. its better to say that if you didnt see it happen that means it still could have happened but you just didnt see it thats a far cry from if i didnt see it happen it never happened
  3. but she has this cute thing she does after she gets off she rolls around like a female cat that just had sex
  4. loved it when that woman that was drunk all the time went down on her in front of her boyfriend and he freaked out about it and it sucked he made her leave RLC the next day
  5. was there suppossed to be a down side to any of what you just said,sounds like a great situation to me lol,not a lot different from Martina and Alburto actually except this guy actually has friends 😁
  6. do they fill the sink up before they brush their teeth and dip the toothbrush in there,i see no difference and did Mimi tell everyone she was pissing in the tub they all used just saying
  7. one of the best tricks in the book act gay and every cute girl says oh i can change him
  8. how is this compaired to Mimi pissing in the bathtub all the time where everyone actually gets into where she pissed to take a bath
  9. i live just south of Syracuse we average 427 centimeters a year,gotta love that lake affect and northeasters
  10. all i know is exactly what i have seen him say and seen the foreign policy decisions that all seemed to benefit either Russia or Trumps own wallet,and i understand about bias in the news but facts are facts and if they show you a video of Trump saying something and then he says he never said it are you going to believe what you seen with your own eyes or are you going to believe Trump/Fox news
  11. damn its all commmon knowledge unless you only watch Fox news and there is no arguing with you guys you just dont want to see the truth
  12. its all facts i heard him say out of his own mouth,and have you ever heard of Trump steaks or Trump water or Trump airlines,trump beverages,trump the game,trumps 4 casinos,trump magazine,trump morgage company,trumps travel site and the list goes on of his bankrupcies.Lets talk about his scams like Trump university or his scam charity that he used for his own benefit,the man is a con man and because of a fake reality show half the country thinks he is some genius business man when it could not be farther from the truth
  13. there is not a dictator he did not love,The royal family in Saudia Arabia,kim jung un ,hell the meeting in helsinki where he told reporters he believed putin over our own intelligence agencies, when China's leader made himself president for life Trump said we need that here,first thing Trump did was put all our long time allies in NATO down while praising Putin at every turn,not to mention when congress voted to sanction Russia Trump refused to enforce it,oh leaving Syria and abandoning our Kurdish allies letting Russia get a foothold in the middle east and the list goes on do i really need to list every single example,oh and Trump would be a used car salesman if Russia didnt bail him out in the early 2,000s could help explain his love for Russia.the biggest scam ever is the myth Trump is a great buisness man he lost every buisness he ever had except for the realestate buisness and that would have failed if not for the Russian bailout
  14. sure 20 nations vs Russia he can mess with Nato all he likes ,Trump isnt President anymore telling Putin he can do whatever he wants to
  15. Putin is looking to make the Ukraine the epicenter of WW3, just to take pressure of his own ass he is looking to wag the dog so to speak
  16. hey if VHTV can get all these couples and single girls that have all kinds of wild sex on cam,and all these years and all the people they have had on RLC they could only find 3 or 4 couples and a handful of girls that are willing to get wild on cam,sounds like a recruting issue to me
  17. imagine the subscriptions if we could get her and Martina together,everyone email RLC and have them make it so 😁
  18. Leia getting ready to leave by the looks of it in the now blurry images,ah another day i dont have to worry about resubing lol
  19. Anna losing clothes now a erotic shoot with Leia and Anna maybe
  20. DD said it the other day she can have an empty apt and it will be top cam thanks to her fanatics
  21. really sorry i missed that,i remember seeing her there but apparently i unsubbed to soon,i have been trying to find this on the internet and Hotscopes is BS with all the pop ups and virus traps, anyone know where i can find a clean link i used to watch Hotscopes without the BS but cant get a clean link anymore
  22. did they actually ever have sex with anyone else on cam once they got their own apt,i remember Dick screwing some girls off cam but i might have missed something though
  23. to bad they all cant be like Piper and Taylor they moved into B5 and the next day both were wearing only a thong walking around in front of Lucian
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