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Everything posted by EMMETT111

  1. while I'm at it lol since when did we go from 7 girl lesbian orgys and parties eating sushi off a nude girl and 2 girls having sex with guys on cam that night now two girls hiding their masturbating and giving totally fake lesbian tease shows gets non stop praise
  2. coming up on 5 am some of them should start coming in anytime now,but remember if they have a party they are in bed by 1:30 though,damn I miss the the lola special water parties where they would actually do shit at home and would be dancing naked till 6 am,i remember Belle saying she would only do something on cam if she was on the water for a example
  3. its funny I googled barcalona night clubs websites and they say closed till tomorrow closed till tomorrow closed till tomorrow even the the one I thought was open till 4 says closed till tomorrow,you look up best night life in barcalona and bar after bar says closing time either 2 or 3 am so wonder where they go all night every time they go out
  4. some stay open all night I guess but the one that I know they sometimes go to go to closes at 4, I belive that's why some of them come in at 5 so often where the rest go till noon is anyones guess
  5. they usually don't start coming in till 5 am and the last ones about noon usually that is,thats what pisses me off they have a party they are in bed by 1:30 but can go out and party all night
  6. he was all over her in the living room a couple of times and she stopped him so he tried anyways
  7. well he has tried getting frisky a couple of times tonight and she put him off,has not seen him in how long and they have the place to themselves but I guess watching tv and now the phones is more important now they go to bed and right to sleep damn what a difference 24 hrs can make
  8. I remembered this morning you speak of its when they went out all night for 10 hrs I got tired of waiting for them to come home it was 5 am their time and i went to sleep then i read about it later, so if they were sober that would be a shock
  9. that's not the point I didn't say you did I was just making a point in general you cant get away with calling the girls names but everyone had no problem with blasting him
  10. try callin one of the girls a fat pig and see how far you get on here,double standard much
  11. it will be cute when one of the girls tell her what was said here tonight or she reads it for herself
  12. I see dasha is the middle its about time they changed things up it was getting boring stay tunned for tomorrows exciting episode edited I spoke to soon I just looked back and they swapped spots shit and I thought they were really changing things up
  13. wow I hope jasmin does not read all the crap said about her boyfriend that could really really really piss her off and change her new attitude bet nobody thought of that one
  14. one thing I have learned is you never know how a girl will act when they return some never change like Irma and she shouldn't don't get me wrong but others act different every time like jasmin and belle and that is part of the charm of RLC I guess
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