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Everything posted by EMMETT111

  1. I have no problem at all with people bitching about what they are doing right now like I said I don't agree with everything they are doing myself but I just don't care for the personal attacks its all the name calling and saying how immoral they are is what I'm bitching about,but if any couple deserves to be cut some slack its these two after all they have done is all I was saying too
  2. I'm more a gold rush ,pawn stars and American pickers kinda guy lol
  3. the vicious attacks against these tenants is getting out of hand I don't agree with everything they do for sure,but this couple has brought us more in the past than any other,threesomes, foursomes,swapping and lesbian encounters and a constant variety of guests so you don't get too board and now people are giving them shit I just don't get it
  4. why are you even watching this apt and you are preaching about morals on a voyure site wow,think about it you are on a voyure site and are saying other people are immoral wow
  5. I look at it like this some of my favorite tv shows are so called reality shows but I know some of the most interesting parts are sometimes staged but I still enjoy them none the less I have started to look at this apt the same way
  6. I had to turn up the volume I usually have it off cant understand them anyway but yes she does have some talent
  7. and the massaging has started lol,edited it didn'last long though
  8. oh I see the wine has made a another appearance so how long before the girls are in the tub making out or will this be the time they change things up and he will make it into the tub inquiring minds want to know
  9. was that the same hot blonde that house sat for like a month she was very hot very nice tits
  10. so will they A end up with their own partners B have a foursome C swap partners D the girls go off alone or E one of them passes out and the other three have sex,the great thing about this poll at least one of them will happen
  11. Eva and Sam can offer to demonstrate their massage skills a little later after a few drinks lol
  12. they have a couple here now and lots of alcohol stay tuned, who knows with these guys anymore
  13. they have had several guests in the past that have stayed for very long times only difference this time is its a ex tenant but as far as the arrangement with these three I been watching them and after last night I got nothing for once
  14. ok now for something completely different masha sleeping in the livingroom and dasha and sasha sleeping together
  15. I have seen it before when she was getting in and out of the tub it is very nice
  16. I have been trying to use the jedi mind trick lose the panties Liea lose the panties
  17. awe come on Liea I cant get anything done with you laying there like that lol
  18. but being right or wrong never meant shit when it comes to jealousy though that's the problem trust me my last girl friend was not happy unless she was the center of all the attention she could have sex with the other girl alone but she didn't want me doing the other girl without her there though what a selfish bitch lol but hey 20 yrs latter they are still together and even got married you see how that worked out for me good luck Sam
  19. Eva has no right to bitch about much she was more than happy to have sex with the last girl while he was passed out and they even hid it from him when he kind of woke up then when he laid back down they went right back at it,now I see she is sleeping in the living room by the looks of things, it takes a special couple to pull this off it fucked up my last relationship I hope they can but its not looking good though at the moment
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