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Everything posted by EMMETT111

  1. apparently you just saw the edited version where they cut a lot from what I read they went at for 2 1/2 hrs and it was a 42 minute video so who knows what they did
  2. I am talking about the guys its their first or second post,hell I missed it too but it does no good to ask because nobody shares shit anymore
  3. love watching the newbies come out of the woodwork begging for videos over on the video comments section lol
  4. when they were in bed when lola answered the phone over and over again you could just see the looks on the other twos faces
  5. I believe her and Belle would have done stuff to Lola,i still don't understand Belles reluctance when Lola attempted to go down on her or Lola not being able to stay off the phone?
  6. maybe they will bring her and one or two of the girls back when their visas allow it,it is dynamic that works and brings in viewers so maybe you never know RLC likes having viewers
  7. the way these girls party she would get no sleep,big travel day tomorrow,thats what I think last night was the last blast that makes the fact the other 2 Barc 1 girls were not there says a lot I guess
  8. sucks Lola is leaving last night is a perfect example why,she made sure Becca and Bella stripped and if they didn't she did it for them she is a older woman the others follow if you think you would have seen any of the crazy stuff without her your crazy.I bet she is single handedly responsible for RLCs biggest jump in subscriptions hell I think RLC ought to give her her own place back home with a bunch of girls maybe, kinda like a Nora thing but cooler
  9. They finally got Rebecca to put the phone away last night but Lola could not stay off hers more than 5 minutes at a time
  10. if Lola had stayed of that phone half the night it might have went somewhere,it seemed like every time it got going one of them would stop to go to their god damned phone
  11. I think lola was just explaining to her what it would do to her in the kitchen but I could have been readin it wrong but that's what it looked like

  12. jasmin is yawning lola walked by her touched her on the shoulder I imagined her saying hang on I got somethin for you,then lola comes backshe goes in the kitchen and grabs the water jug I'm thinking oh shit I might be right lol
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