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Everything posted by EMMETT111

  1. jasmin had a overnight bag anyone see Caro with one,if not they are probably going to end up here but that's just a guess
  2. Jasmin packing overnight bag looks like she is packing enough for a couple of days,Caro is with her,wonder whats up
  3. No there are guys here who think its their personal job to watch out for these girls and to turn in anything they personally might find offensive and take it upon themselves to be these girls personal saviors,Its a mental thing I think some kind of delusion like the girls asked them to stick there noses in to it and they are coming to these poor innocent girls rescue
  4. looks like another tv night,maybe they were told to cool it,they have not partied since those guys were there
  5. yes welcome back Kamilla what a nice show she just gave us all I wasted last summer glued to my laptop watching her and Kristy watching to see what they would do next how far they would take it,i guess you could say these two brought us the recent events in Barc 2.I believe they are first ones to act like they were making out half the time nude full body massages or sitting on the couch just playing with each others tits,then following girls have done the same and it just went to next level eventualy at least that's my opinion
  6. millions of people do drugs casually and never need a rehab what about alcohol those of you that say you don't want to see them do drugs alcohol is all they need do you realize how many millions of people have their lives ruined by alcohol what exactly do you see as the difference when it comes to drugs I am a libertarian its our lives who are anyone to tell us what to do with it, when they say this drug is just fine alcohol but our drugs are bad even though alcohol is every bit as devastating to peoples lives I just say let the girls make their own choices
  7. you try and have sex in front of thousands of people remember these girls are not the couples who sign up to have sex in front of every one so its different for them yes it would be nice if they just did it with out drugs but that might not be possible
  8. young people got to live their lives,maybe they did the drugs because they wanted to do stuff with each other but were to shy about the cameras as if the girls didn't know what doing extisy would do to them,then they did drugs a couple of more times I kinda think maybe they want to be having sex and the drugs help has anyone thought about that
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