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Everything posted by EMMETT111

  1. i certainly hope they are not or that would be to weird even for this site seeing as he had his dick in her earlier
  2. i know one thing she is pretty damn cute and another one with a killer ass
  3. i dont know about you guys but a girl sits with me like she has him today i have already had sex with her i mean earlier throwing her leg between his legs and cuddling with him she just looks very familiar with him
  4. watching the blonde around him there is not much doubt if he is not having sex with her he will be but we will have to wait an see if he gets all 3 in bed later
  5. wonder if Martina will invite her to party at B4 sometime ,could not help but notice she has a nice ass on her,lot of them visiting there are two very nice asses visiting Masha now
  6. can you just imagine what Masha would do with Martina if she had a chance Martina would be like Nelly who ??? 😁
  7. if a girl is sitting with a guy like she is him right now if they havnt had sex yet she looks like she would have no problem with it
  8. so is this guy having sex with all three of them the Blonde girls looks awfully comfortable with him right now
  9. after that she started putting her hand down his pants dont know why she stopped like you said she was already rubbing his dick
  10. when i said he was lucky i meant if anything happens to them and years from now he would look back fondly on being able to have sex with someone like Martina i had a girl like that we lived together for about 6 months she was a cute little shit with blonde hair blue eyes 4ft 11 inches 95 lbs thats 1.5 meters and 43 kilos to you non americans Piper when she first showed up reminded me of her so much it is not funny even though i am happily married and my wife is no slouch to be sure but i do look back on being able to have sex with someone like that fondly in retrospect
  11. omg are you kidding me he is so lucky to be able to have sex with her she is very beautiful with a killer body coming into her sexual peak and from what i have seen from her sex with Nelly she is craving so much more than what Alburto is offering and just because they have been together so long means nothing just how many guys thought they had nothing to worry about came home to a empty house and a dear John letter and just because Alburto was the man she thought she wanted when she was 15 does not mean he is still the man of her dreams when she is 25 and he is bankrupt jobless and just plays video games and puts no effort into sex yep what a catch he turned out to be huh
  12. all this talk about their ages and how long they have been together i got curious and just looked up the average age for a womans sexual peak and it said 27 with most having fell in love four times and most settling down with a partner as they reach their peak at 27 how old is Martina again lol
  13. bear with me here i did a little math so okay last time they had sex it was seven min. this time six min. totaling fifteen min. at this rate they will have to have sex thirty two times to equal that one four hour event with Nelly
  14. i have been with my wife now for 20 years and granted we dont do it as often now days but when we do i sure as hell put a lot more effort into making sure my wife gets off a couple times still even after all these years and then i watch that pathetic excuse for sex from Alburto and i am almost 60 and have COPD so there is no excuse for what we see from Alburto i dont care how long they have been together
  15. the established couples excuse is lame if anything he should have figured out what she likes and what it takes to make her have a orgasm by now and as i have seen lately he is not even making a attempt at making love to her like we see with Nelly and her, i used the term grudge fuck before to describe what Alburtos sex with Martina looks like as of late
  16. again what a stud last time he took 7 minutes and this time was 6 minutes oh have to add a whole minute eating pussy and add another minute for getting his dick sucked cant forget those 2 minutes of foreplay and both times he took her from behind and he never looked her in the face in what looks like grudge fucking, i really dont know how Nelly will ever hope to compete with a sexual dynamo like him 🤣
  17. maybe having sex with a beautiful woman on the internet pays a shit load of money and he invested it hell maybe his family lent him it or he inherited the money who knows i guess
  18. it just dawned on me its funny if Martina or Nelly do anything we get every bit of it thru translations but Boggy goes off cam over night all the time some times for days at a time and nobody has heard a thing about what it is he is doing i guess maybe nobody talks about just what it is he does ,edited you would think with him leaving nelly for 3 days that one time there would have been some talk about where he was going after all
  19. i know you are being sarcastic but they might not be managers but i believe they at least work for RLC as we have seen Bogdan help girls move from one apt to another and also take girls to the airport and some of this was while they were living off cam between stays at B5 and B4 like i said before i believe they have a off cam apt as for what he does all those nights off cam who knows but that is the one thing the translators have not heard for us
  20. off topic as of today i no longer do illegal drugs on a daily basis oh i didnt quit they just legalized pot where i live 😁
  21. from one sarcastic bastard to another dont worry you are doing just fine lol
  22. not good days yes you could say that he is bankrupt his dog is not doing well and his woman is having a torrid lesbian relationship and he is retreating into video game escapism i made a joke before about about his life could be a country song but i dont even think they could dream this one up
  23. its a conspiracy they dont want us to see what they are watching lol 😁
  24. not a problem i just thought it was odd as i dont think I have seen that happen before in my 6,000 plus posts
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