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Everything posted by EMMETT111

  1. i have already edited my comment because i realized what you meant and said i was sorry
  2. why did it just say you were responding to a post that said i was the one that said Nelly would leave Bogdan i responded to that same post
  3. wow you watched a empty apt for the whole 2-hour event while Alburto took his dog to the vet ,edited or were you talking about the time leading up to him taking the dog to the vet if thats the case then i am sorry about my comment
  4. so his dog dies now you think Martina will leave him for Nelly that sounds like a country and western song those of us in the states will get this one
  5. hey with every thing we have learned about Martina and her fondness for women hey we seen her make out with half the women in B4 so i think its a good question to wonder about her relationship with Marta and you dont need to worry about my head
  6. bad timing for Martina going on holiday with her lover having a great time and he is back here dealing with the death of a beloved pet
  7. wonder how much of that Marta was there for if they didnt visit much and were in the hotel most of the time just when did they party with Marta
  8. all i have to say to that is Martina falling for a English girl you didnt see her staring at girls with lust and who would have believed you if you said a year ago Martina was having a lesbian relationship off cam her and A were the perfect happy couple totally happy with one another so dont go saying you just know B isnt seeing someone becuase we dont really have clue what these people are really like and what they do off cam
  9. i mentioned awhile back what might happen if one of them were to be exposed to covid 19 all of the Barca apts would have to quarantine as they all interact and wouldnt that be a bunch of fun watching
  10. okay so they might have a off cam apt but then ask yourself why does he stay there by himself so much
  11. i had a ex that the neighbors 2 houses away could hear 😁
  12. i see Boggy spent another night off cam i still say they have a apt off cam and now i am starting to wonder if he is seeing someone he just spends to many nights off cam and like i have said i dont see him as a guy that has sleep overs at a buddies
  13. what have i been telling you guys this is right out Mashas old play book string it out as long as she can and do a little more on cam each time,but granted there are other times she just gets drunk or high and about rapes guys too
  14. they got me three times now resubing for the M and N show well i go back seven years watching RLC and this has been the most interesting thing i have seen in all that time most of the really interesting things we saw were mostly a single time event like the infamous B2 orgy but this is more like a soap opera stay tuned to see what happens next for 45 dollars a month
  15. i really dont know what i think about the whole M and N thing is it just a coincidence that when RLC membership was tanking we out of nowhere have this relationship that i would bet my life on has generated more comments on here than any other one subject and more than a few resubs they got me resubing a few times now for a example like i said most likely a coincidence but a convenient and a highly profitable one for RLC ,edited i should add i see the sex they have and that is for real anyways and cant be disputed and maybe things are getting out of hand.anyways thats just a thought that ran thru my head
  16. omg you are saying its fake i am so devastated i feel just like when i found out santa clause was not real next thing you will tell me is professional wrestling is fake too right lol 😁
  17. hey used that excuse to get out of visiting my mother in law a couple of times myself
  18. I missed her before but when she got here this time i kept hearing what a big time pussy eater she was kinda like another Alek but she has not been trying to hard from what i have seen
  19. maybe then you you should quit being such a judgmental shit head and putting everyone else down for what you consider to be their faults
  20. i only know it was about a year ago,she was British so maybe she had to go home when they passed Brexit i am not sure how all that worked
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