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Everything posted by EMMETT111

  1. nice of Alburto to leave before they came home never mind he is washing a dog the girls were walking
  2. do you have endless hours of intense gay sex with your buddy you take home to meet mom 😁 i dont think its the same thing
  3. god damn how many shots of tequila can a little thing like Megan do
  4. you are half right so far L and A are no shows and they left before C and C too didnt they
  5. the wrong apartment for this party i dont know how early the neighbors start complaining about the noise and the girls dont need the cops showing up with this many girls there
  6. maybe meeting up with the missing B1 girls at B1 we can hope better there than here imo
  7. i believe the translator said Nelly would spend the night as they would leave early in the morning
  8. be interesting to see if Martina and Nelly do go back to Martinas with a good buzz on and Alburto is still there will they behave themselves lol
  9. the B2 girls are striping down they dont look to be leaving any time soon and the girls have popped open two bottles of alcohol now
  10. It could just be a funny coincidence the girls all left to meet up somewhere about the same exact time Ceaser was going to have his canceled party last weekend ,anyone else think this could be another attempt at that party,its funny we had no heads up on this one the translators have been pretty good at picking up on something this big i mean every Bara girl but Monica and the 2 B5 girls all dressed to kill and meeting off cam it must be something big
  11. noticed the B4 girls left at pretty much exactly the same time as Nelly and Martina left and everyone of them dressed all up and looking hot its safe to say there is a very good chance they are all meeting up someplace,edited I see Loraine went home guess she was not invited or didnt want to go to this particular event
  12. i can see why Alburto has nothing to worry about from Nelly hey what a romantic stud he is just had sex with Martina for all of 6 minutes all from behind no foreplay hell i have seen Nelly kiss her longer than that ,this is probably the last chance he will have with her before she gets back from her trip with Nelly you would think he would be putting a little more effort into it instead of a 6 minute wham bam thankyou mam
  13. i should also add that Lucian killed the Bonnie and Alex fling because he could not be involved as that would have pissed off Rama thus my issue with him but i could not really blame him though,he actually grew a set and did what how many guys on here have said either Alburto or Bogdan should do
  14. i had some issues with him but at least Lucian didnt put up with that shit and put himself in the shows and the girls got over it pretty quick and after awhile he had them taking turns sucking his cock
  15. just checked in whats that on Nellies face did she cut herself shaving lol
  16. oh oh oh i just thought of this one so if its fake sex between them why do they literally wear the skin right off their knees and one time was in the kitchen mostly off cam that seams like a lot of commitment for fake shows
  17. he is off to a rather stellar start,thats a pretty audacious first post from a newbie
  18. damn it you beat me to it i was waiting till 1 am so i could say she has been gone 5 hours now ,edited and on that note here she is
  19. they have been seeing each other more and more often since they started having sex,and Martina plans on taking Nelly on vacation to meet her family that sounds pretty serious to me ,oh and it is not fake by the way
  20. meant to post this to Nagas post about N being drunk more now
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