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Everything posted by EMMETT111

  1. i also asked awhile ago why none of the Barca girls never came to Martinas to visit
  2. i said that last night it was moved because it showed the apts across the street
  3. OT had long hair since i was 13 spent 45yrs with hair half way to my ass just shaved my head just shows we can all oh fuck it i dont remember where i was going with this LOL
  4. the long UM distracted us from the big question so who did Martina spend better than 4 hrs and a six pack with Bogdan or fat man or her one girlfriend inquiring minds want to know
  5. same can be said when watching Nelly and Bogdan then you see Nelly and Martina together then say no more
  6. same was said about the hiding spots in all the Barca apts the balconys the laundry rooms the roof there has always been a hiding spot and RLC is still here so whats your point
  7. found out that a couple of months ago that when i up graded to the 45 a month plan they still charged me for the 20 a month plan i had plus the 45 a month one then i canceled them both way to go RLC
  8. hey no hard feelings i know i can get carried away on a topic sometimes but im not trying to piss anyone off i get a buzz i rant sometimes just let it go so are we good
  9. my th my theorys are more interesting so glad i was wrong about they might not come off UM and i am not the only one that thought it could happen
  10. so if your whole existence depends on RLC and RLC is failing and losing market shares to VHTV and you might lose your job and apt how can that not be in the back of your head every minute
  11. the minute you put a camera in a room and pay people to be there you just lost any so called real life might as well accept it
  12. some of my favorite tv shows are (reality shows)i know a lot of it is bullshit and its a show for the cameras but i still love watching them gold rush is a great example
  13. yes but seeing a bad warm up band is better than seeing no band at all i remember when Jasmins first time in B2 all they did was watch sex in the city every night Belle and Rebecca tried to put on shows and Jasmin would bitch about the noise guys sure bitched when J stopped the shows i even emailed RLC saying get rid of the prude,on a side note she sure changed her tune now if only Liea could come back like that but i digress i guess
  14. better than seeing nothin thats just it nobody is ever happy the girls do no shows guys bitch girls do shows guys bitch,i will say them parading around nude getting naked and having sex shows is better than watching the girls watching sex in the city marathons night after night
  15. were you around before the shows the high light of the day would be two girls in the tub together shit was so boring so when they did the first show the big orgy it had 130 pages of comments thats 1,300 comments for one night and RLC said hey we are on to something here so now we get shows
  16. so i am demented when i said they might not come back what if i been right about a bunch of this shit
  17. oh hell i been thinking its almost worth the 45 bucks just to go back and forth with you guys its fun
  18. please see my questioning of the time line in my previous post and if you can answer the questions i brought up i would love to hear it and please dont just say because some guy said so as your proof look no farther than Leora fans as example
  19. oh fuck i never thought of them not comming back but its not far fetched,she has been doing drugs has had sex with N maybe B then fought with A then left later with a six pack the same night B never came home most guys on here think she was with fat man or B so then the apt goes off line i just hope its a technical thing
  20. must be B is there and A is doing his cuckold thing OMG i crack me up lol
  21. so Nelly fucking Martina then Martina taking off with Bogdan for 3hrs is a nothing moment i would love to see a something moment and im not the only one that thinks like i do just because some dont care some of us do and we come here to talk about what we think is going on with others ,we dont need to be crucified because we want to talk about things on here
  22. i keep bringing it up because i think of new shit that had not dawned on me before,explain this time line according to translations Nelly tells B about the sex with M in the morning he tells N it has to stop he is not visably upset N tells M it has to stop then M leaves with B for the mystery 3hrs he shows up in B2 talks to one of the girls again seems okay but then he gets home and all of a sudden he is so upset he cant get out of bed and is in tears,i offered this speculation that fits he came home told N he fucked her best friend felt so bad he was sick over it till N told him it was okay no worries thats my theory anyways and i refuse to call this a nothing moment,edited far from it its one of the biggest things to ever happen on RLC and he thinks i am getting carried away
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