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Everything posted by EMMETT111

  1. oh and the messed up thing is after seeing Medusa and Elvis going at it with masha laying there,its pretty safe to say after watching her again tonight she would have had sex with both of them in a heartbeat so maybe next time lol
  2. Kylie and Russ where the worst,seen her getting ate out buy a girl and grab a girls hand and yank it away when she tried to touch his dick
  3. I have had gaps in my following of RLC its been ten years after all but my question is has the ever been a actual threesome in this apartment I cant remember any
  4. I know I commented on carol and parks how they should have the COV threesome where the girls have sex and the guy only ever gets his girl that would be perfect for them I thought lol
  5. too funny they get her in bed get her all worked up then hand her a vibrator and then ignore her what is this crap
  6. I don't know about that,you see the guys Martina would hang out with
  7. before carol started going out every day we would only see frisky something like once a week,now its safe to say they see each other pretty much every day that's a serious increase that cant be good for park he better start looking for another girl if he was smart like alburto did because his girl already found one lol
  8. I don't know why they don't just do the couples on vacation threesome,you know where the two girls have sex while the guy just gets to have sex with his girlfriend
  9. just ask yourselves how many times in the last month has frisky been at the apartment and does anyone really think that with the way they act together that this is the only time they are seeing each other
  10. or maybe she is doing community service to help the homeless,you guys can be retarded sometimes of course she is meeting up with frisky put your head in the sand if you like and make up other things she could be doing no matter how unlikely they are just so you can be confrontational
  11. oh what a surprise I log on to see carol is gone again just like every other day,it really is a every day thing now I dont see this thing going on like this for to long like the one guy said she is going to have to make a decision on who to be with
  12. saying her being married reminded me of the guys that used to say the guys staying with the girls were not even their real boyfriends
  13. so do you think they are going steady lol,maybe he will invite her to the prom i jest of course but someone once said she might be a virgin I laughed but now after watching her she acts just like some shy teenager in quite a few ways and she is a hard one to figure out, so how does someone that shy and inexperienced end up on RLC anyways
  14. oh it happens alot he tries to get close she looks at frisky and roles her eyes so I do put a lot on carol in all this
  15. hey at least my ex told her frisky hey if you want me I have a boyfriend and he is part of the deal,so I ended up having a threesome with a girl I met 2 hours before and she moved in in a week it was fun for awhile anyways
  16. I think carol is a asshole for throwing it in his face like she does even Martina had more respect for alburto except once,hey look what I am doing it sure looks fun huh well to bad you cant have any
  17. then that's on carol for letting something like this start with a girl that just wants her,and why have anything to do with him when carol does not demand that ,we have a saying here why buy the cow when the milk is free and every time I seen him trying to get to hands on with carol when frisky is around she rejects him outright example one time he started to play with her tits she pushed his hands away after letting frisky do the same thing
  18. was really pissed at the time as the frisky of my situation manipulated the situation to undermine my relationship with my ex,she would tell my ex she hated having sex with me but when the ex was not around that girl would be a animal actually the best sex I ever had then I found out she had done the same thing before broke up another couple the same way,so I eye this frisky with some doubts as to her intentions especially as it looks like they are spending a lot of alone time having sex pretty much every day now would be my guess
  19. in the 3 years I was single both my ex and her lover both took turns visiting me at some point and I didn't have your will power needless to say,but we have wandered off a little but my point that saying its only another girl what's wrong with just letting it happen still stands though
  20. oh after they left I had fun being single for 3 years then met my wife that was so hot my ex could not stop telling me how pretty my new wife I have been with 24th years is so yes it all worked out
  21. to be honest I am very opinionated on these situations as I lived out this one pretty much,I lived with a girl 4 yrs she brought home a girl from work very much like frisky and was told it would happen with or without me we all tried the threesome thing,well 27 years later they are married now lol so forgive me if I have strong opinions in this matter
  22. its not a matter of belonging to another person ,if you love someone you want to share everything with them not go have the sex of your life with another person then tell your mate they cant share this with you is crazy beyond belief imo
  23. so let me get this right so if it was a lesbian couple and one of them brought home a man and started making out with him in front of the other girl and if the other girl tried to get involved and was rejected,and the guy and girl went off cam to have sex that would get perfectly fine because they are not the same sex???
  24. I never saw the difference sex is sex that whole oh its not the same because they are the same sex is a load of crap
  25. so how is letting your woman have sex with another woman when you are never invited a win
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