damn never seen a pair of jeans turned into a micro mini skirt thought she was going for the short shorts look and then put on a see thru thong think she wants to get laid maybe lol
the reason I said that when Danial went on the roof with that black haired slut that would fuck anyone she even grabbed a sleeping bag and some idiot said well you don't know what they did you didn't see it
the really messed up thing is is they actually went farther when park was sleeping on carols birthday,tells you a lot on her birthday she is getting eaten out by her girlfriend when her boyfriend sleeps in the other room
Yes, it does. Speculating isn't knowing.
oh I used to joke about guys like you,it was about B2 and the roof I said a guy and girl could be drunk go up there her come down grab a box condoms a jar of lube and a sleeping bag and you would still say well you didn't see them do anything so you don't know what they did
if only girls could get the equivalent of blue balls these two "frisky"might actually do something on cam other than that she needs to be really drunk because carol has been trying to go down on her and frisky is having none of it
I been following this apt pretty close for the last few months for reasons I stated before,when park was working she would be home all day every day I remember thinking this girl needs a hobby other than masturbating every day then park quits and is home now she leaves pretty much every day for a couple hours or all day and some guys say she was working the whole time
I searched the apartment a few times,unless they have a hiding place off cam she was not there so I figured she left