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Posts posted by Houlii

  1. 1 hour ago, miscvoyeur said:

    Of course she didn't. People on this board literally do nothing but talk about Kenny so of course they're going to find any and every excuse to continue to shit talk him, even if that means making stuff up that have no clue about. Amanda stayed in the bedroom long after Kenny and Kim left and continued jerking Pablo off. You would think that would be a big enough clue to let any sane person know that she had no problems being there. But lets go with the "making deals" theory instead, as if Amanda has zero agency or say over what she does, who she does it with and where she does it. The shit is all ridiculous.

    As much crap as I've talked about Amanda and Pablo, even I have to eat my own words a little and admit that the attempted group session was nice. Maybe other things like swapping would have happened if Kenny was able to perform or maybe not but at least this was progress on Amanda/Pablo's part and I do commend them for that. But all this obsessive Kenny hate is just ridiculous and sad.

    Either way people see it misc..Kenny brings a huge presence good or bad..the opinions are strong..I do wish he could get his own apartment ..you have to admit he is aggressively pushing an agenda primarily because of his obsession with Amanda..she is playing along but is plain she as no interest in having sex with him..A few in here and kenny have renamed this place Couples trading on vacation..Since this appt opened..it has been named couples on vacation.  No trading..just couples staying for a few months and mostly keeping sex to their partner.. You and others should go to RLC and advocate an a    apartment with that expectation. I don't think Amanda and Pablo should have to be pressured into doing something that they didn't sign up for..

  2. Seemed to be some kind of agreement they made earlier.. maybe a coin toss and amanda lost..There was never going to be a swap and it looked like hand jobs and the boys won't watch..If so kenny broke that one on a last ditch effort to watch Amanda and Pablo.. Kenny was done before he started..Wasn't too sure Kenny wasn't going after pablo at one point.Amanda didn't want to do this but was a good sport and finished Pablo even with Kenny lurking around.. Weird event..Kenny's weird..

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