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Posts posted by Houlii

  1. Just now, SPYING 1 said:

    Houlii, I like the suspense that Kenny brings to this apartment, you never know if he's going to grab ass or if one day Pablo is going to kick his ass. I'm just waiting to see if Kenny has sex with Amanda or gets into a fist fight with Pablo ??

    I don't think she wants to have sex with Kenny..there is a line she draws with her teasing..There is alot at stake  with Pablo taking kenny out physically but I agree Kenny keeps it interesting..I do agree it is a huge pop for this apartment to have the drama.. 

    • Like 1
  2. 5 minutes ago, Stormshaedow said:

    Where did I make it personal? Who did I name? I said I found the moral panics (plural...) hilarious... then I mentioned what I've actually seen happen with my own two eyes... I didn't ascribe ANY motivation to it... but you go and post speculations about what I mastabate to, but I made it personal? really?! 


    yeah, OK... like I said, you do you... 

    Didn't remembering naming you either but there are definitely at least 2 very different camps as it relates to Kenny and Amanda.. Two very different views but both have validity. I think we respect each others right to their option and life goes on..Sorry it got personal..

  3. Just now, SPYING 1 said:

    Kenny is going to go as far as they let him go. If Pablo & Amanda really wanted too, they would've stopped it

    Sure..they can leave..kenny's pushing the agenda..it may happen if they have enough of him..Maybe might be different if Pablo was hitting on Kim but I'm sure it's alot easier for amanda right now than Pablo..Kenny's gonna be Kenny..stay tuned 

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  4. 3 minutes ago, Stormshaedow said:

    Just because you have an opinion, doesn't make it right... Also nice Ad Hominem deflection and not addressing what I actually said... I didn't post about something I magicly lifted from a tenants mind, I post about what I've actually seen... can you say the same?


    Maybe if some people would stop putting themselves in tenants places, and get out of they feelings... they might actually see what's actually happening and enjoy it more... but hey if you enjoy working in the salt mines... enjoy... 😎

    The stories count for some..Happy masturbating..enjoy

  5. 10 minutes ago, Stormshaedow said:

    I have to admit, the moral panics on this board about Amanda and Kenny crack me up... especially when I have seen Amanda make sure Kenny was watching when she either dropped a towel (and only Kenny was there...), rubbed her pussy when Kenny had the perfect angle and was looking, etc... hilarious... 🤣

    Everyone has their opinion..there is a human element to a guy hitting on another guys girl..for those who just come on here to masturbate to the sexual acts you probably see it another way..Enjoy 

  6. 13 minutes ago, adamneve said:

    I don't see Amanda wanting GAK  at all!!.... Pablo appears to be cool about his babe being nude.. i think she is a nudist  if in part anyway...I think they set GAK up with her nude morning exercising .. when GAK had seen her she promptly clothed herself..after. But today after last night she is very comfortable..

    GAK is pushing the whole thing..this was girl talk and he's butted in..Pablo is in crisis mode not wanting to escilate this..Kenny needs to go away.. amanda is rebelling against Padlo..this will all come to and end soon..

  7. 11 minutes ago, adamneve said:

    I don't see Amanda wanting GAK  at all!!.... Pablo appears to be cool about his babe being nude.. i think she is a nudist  if in part anyway...I think they set GAK up with her nude morning exercising .. when GAK had seen her she promptly clothed herself..after. But today after last night she is very comfortable..

    GAK is pushing the whole thing..this was girl talk and he's butted in..Pablo is in crisis mode not wanting to escilate this..Kenny needs to go away

    • Like 1
  8. 19 minutes ago, adamneve said:

    I agree  but she can handle herself.. when GAK  (Grab Ass Kenny) came home completely drunk ,, he wandered into the bathroom where Amanda was washing etc.. and he stood directly behind her.. very intimidating  but she watched him closely.. he eventually left..

    ya but at that moment there was a 50% chance he was gonna attack her like he's done twice..I'm glad Pablo is watching out for her too..He's acting passive aggressive..He left because Pablo walked in to the bathroom with her..He was still stalking by the door..When he was ;laying on their bed acting comatose..he poped up and open the window like it was nothing..Back to comatose..He gets drunk to create a situation where he is not responsible for his own actions..He's been licking his chops since the moment Amanda walked in the door..She has handled herself great and him..

  9. On 10/28/2018 at 7:49 AM, novidades said:

    Thanks. He is an old man that thinks all young girls want him in their beds. It's normal in his age.

    It's Kim fault. She should empty his balls in order to avoid such ridiculous behaviour.

    Kim is amazing..I hope she drops him off at the bus station and comes back..She could move in with Amina..The boy friend will leave sooner or later

  10. On 10/27/2018 at 11:29 AM, HarleyFatboy said:

    I predict he will be the same obnoxious prick he always is..........can't wait to read and see if I was right later tonight!!

    I could probably like Kenny but He acts out his impulses with no control..the girls in these Apts hate him grabbing their asses and tits like he has some kind of access..He was literally the elephant in the room the other night..the party couldn't start til he left..As a room mate with Amanda and Pablo, I wouldn't trust him alone in the same room with my hot girlfriend.. Amanda puts on some great shows but Kenny cut it short...really kinda a creepy dude..

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  11. 1 hour ago, akaanon2 said:

    Perhaps Tubby should accept that women - Kim excepted,though even she seeks excitement elsewhere - do not fancy him. Whether his looks or his personality who knows- thats female territory.



    2 hours ago, miscvoyeur said:

    And one with Danaya... and one with Amina....

    Well she Amanda just came on to kenny..all bets are off..get what you get now

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