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Posts posted by Houlii

  1. 3 hours ago, Tamare said:

    It looks like frontiers are getting shorter and shorter after the 2 girls encounter in the bedroom: maybe the negotiation is with the guys now... I hope it will be in the free area!

    Not sure about Pablo but my guess Kenny would be up for anything as long as it moved..He seems a little to like a boy in a candy store trying to catch Amanda's eye..He might do better to play it cool instead of oogleing and making wolf calls every time Amanda walks in with her top off..  He struts and handles himself like he's god's gift.. Just sayin..

    • Like 2
  2. 21 minutes ago, happyone said:

    Ash--that is Pablo---the long sandy haired girl Amanda significant other


    1 hour ago, Giovanni845 said:

    I love how they all walk around naked in this apartment like its nothing. I mean Pablo has no problem of another guy see his gf naked. I believe every tenant in the apartment gets turned on by this. Lets hope it will go on to the next level.

    Guess I would agree if Kenny wasn't so creepy..I think Amanda agrees..

    • Like 3
  3. 14 hours ago, TBG 150 said:

    Try whatever apartment forum that they used to be at. As the tenants leave, their apartment forum is saved and archived so that you can go back and look at what happened. Maybe someone there would have an answer for you. Most likely, they left on their own. I wouldn't want to live in the cameras all day long. I don't even know what site they were on.

    Went straight to VH.. Thanks..

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  4. 5 hours ago, jabbath1987 said:

    Pretty sure Libby is not Joyce 😉

    Joyce came like it's a sport.damn she is hot..He seemed a little attached.. hope his GF lets her cum back..lol  He dislocated his finger on the couch last night..saw him pop it back in..ouch!!! 

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  5. 1 hour ago, britmatt1 said:

    Something bad happening here. Lots of loud banging...Lola screaming and crying.

    She hurt her knee..something pissed her off on TV and it all progressed from there.. Too much alcohol .. they finally are talking and went to bed but nursing her leg and she's still pissed..Not the worst they've been through..things will heal..

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