Looks like alan just brought supplies for another long night..once the Clampets move in it's hard to get rid of them..Even for Foxy.. Turned away one guest today..
I don't see prostitute.. I see a girl that entered into a serious game with her BF having to do with his making her do what he wants, have what he wants her to have, including fucking anyone he sends over or him bringing over girls, kicking her out of her bed and fucking them with her there.. Control freak.. she is playing along.. just hope no one hurts her.. In the mean time they make money with VH for activity.. nite you all
don't think he ever really penetrated her holiness.. alot of grinding. I think Foxy would love a shot at Alan.. without Nina around..she was pretty protective..
Hi Ladies.. What I notice that is not Typical other than his foot long cock is a few things.. I'm not a girl so I could be completely wrong..Lets see.. He doesn't wear his ego on his sleve. He's sensitive and emotional. Attentive to his girls. Not sure but appears soft to the touch. So minus the footlong, What is the attraction for you both..I'm interested. and why would a woman who has no attraction to men make out with him first time she meets him..?
He was too aggressive for her..she likes subs.. part of that process is not to be excited or happy unless you are in complete control. Like Blue cleaning the house and ignoring her.. It's a game..
My read is foxy id a dom to guys but observing it looks like Intercourse is out unless she has the stick.. (red).. at least Alan lets it happen instead of forcing it..