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Everything posted by Houlii

  1. My point was bringing anyone into your home with serious expectations as this guy is a health risk..really, it's none of my business. My comment on" rest" was directed at other tenets who do the visitor thing..Speaking for myself that evening disturbed me and this is toned down version about how I felt about it..not a biggy, Just my opinion
  2. W are you sure it wasn't you behind the mask the other night..lol
  3. I don't think this is Stephan and Stella's doing.. I believe the bald guy (groper) with the camera runs this show. am I wrong?
  4. Be interesting to see how it works out for them..doesn't look like a home for sure..Kinda sad for Stella ans Stephan..Kind of lose their identity.. Had a nice place..
  5. Alan is like a little puppy that wont't go away..
  6. Also doesn't take a brain surgeon to know that wasn't a "chips and dip" swinger visitor. hopefully everyone learned something from that..
  7. I think this Apartment was really getting along well..they just had a questionable character come in and it changed the situation for them..All of a sudden the cams became a problem for them..too bad it happened..Hopefully not effect them being able to do this.. It is a fav in here..
  8. You can actually see the hallway from the #2 living room cam..Not sure I could live in this project..kinda like living in a fishbowl..I think the most successful and long term residents just forget the cams are there.
  9. Did the girl in bed have to bring a bottle of booze and some chips too..? Equal pay!!!
  10. Large size and maybe some dip..Maybe not the dip unless I knew what it was in the bowl.. Saw some things last night regarding protection ..feel for Lola a bit today
  11. These guys seen done with this anyway..at this point it's just a free place for Sid to hang out..
  12. Amazing all it cost him was a bottle of booze and some chips..great deal!!
  13. Sid's brother..took Foxy's place..thought we wouldn't notice..haha
  14. Must have got paid well..Basically pimped out his wife..oh well
  15. lmao after all this I don't even want to watch guy with Lola..freak show..Have fun!!
  16. wow if you have to hide, Maybe it's the Mayor..haha..have fun
  17. I'm sure they'll be pissed for a while but hopefully get the same talk as was given for drugs and life goes on..
  18. Too bad .. you know the spirit of this site is the tenants to forget the cameras and go about your daily life.. We pay to be a fly on the wall. If you have a business that you are willing to cover the cameras. you really need to take that business somewhere else.. Best solution..
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