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Everything posted by bookmaster8
I wish. I actually haven't been able to watch that much recently. But, it seems that I'm often tuning in when Kami gets into bed and I always linger a little (and then spot check) to see if she's going to masturbate or something. lol. What can I say? I think she is hot. Although I must also admit that I've been splitting my time with her and Irma the last couple nights. I just love Irma and am happy that she's back.
Not that it matters, but Kamila really doesn't sleep that many hours a day. She is up most of the night and, although she may get into bed at midnight, she doesn't actually get to sleep until at least 4:00 most of the time and often not until 6:00 or 6:30. She just watches movies or does other stuff on her phone. So, yes, she does stay in bed a long time. But, she is not sleeping during a good part of the time she is laying there. Go ahead and "spot check" her. You'll see. I only know this because I probably watch her a lot more than most people. lol.
Snaky, are you even reading my posts that you are responding to? My first post to you was simply trying to say that I thought that, even though your post was probably meant to be funny, I thought it was in poor taste given the fact that it came right after pages and pages of posts that were ripping Kamila and accusing her of countless cruel and manipulative things that simply were not true. You are one of the long time posters who a lot of people pay attention to. I think that there is an unspoken responsibility that comes with that status. I said that if you had posted that on a forum that didn't contain all of those negative, made-up fantasies that were attacking people, it would have been funny and I would probably have made some kind of teasing post like "good one" and laughed about it. But, I felt that to post it after all those pages and pages of trash, it was in poor taste and gave the impression that you had no problem with all the crap that had been posted. Your next reply post told me that you made a sarcastic comment. Well, I had already told you that that was what I believed. Then you say you had not been insinuating that she got the money from doing "nasty" business or being manipulative. Again, I knew that and did not accuse you of saying anything along those lines. I was only saying that, as a senior poster who a lot of people look to for information, I felt it was in poor taste to do it at that particular time (because of all the untruths that had just been posted). This particular reply is meant to point out that I did not accuse you of making the type of cruel negative accusatory post that many others did. My only issue with what you posted was that it came right after the negative ones and gave the impression that you saw nothing wrong with what had been written by others. I won't bother you with another reply post. I just wanted to clarify what I had said and why.
Snaky, you're too smart to come to that conclusion. Your comment, on another forum where there weren't all the posts attacking a specific person and claiming things to be fact when they are not, would be fine. In fact, it would be funny. I would probably post a reply saying "good one" or something similar. But, if you go back and read all the negative posts about Kamila specifically over the past week or two, it is readily apparent that fantasies are being presented as facts and she is being described as a selfish, cruel, manipulative person and worse. She does not deserve that type of treatment from people who know practically nothing about her. It is way beyond rude and disrespectful. It is cruel. That is what I was referring to when I used the term "character assassination". Therefore, considering the trolling nature that seems to be very common on this board again right now, I thought that your comment was in poor taste. I guess there's no sense in even trying to speak up when you know nasty statements are being made that are simply not true. I guess we should just sit back and allow the trolls to ruin the forum for others who actually enjoy discussing differing opinions on what has occurred on screen..
C'mon, snaky. You know that if it does include a modeling shoot (which it supposedly does), all of her expenses are included in whatever she's getting paid for the shoot. You're just "stirring the pot" for the complainers. The only way her boyfriend would have spent any money on it is if he was part of the modeling group that booked her. And, that would have probably all been charged as business expenses. Please stop adding to the character assassination effort that is being carried out. It's childish. And, I would say the same thing if it were directed at any of the models in the RLC fold - not just Kamila. I'm pretty sure you said this as a joke. But, that doesn't mean that others won't pick it up and run with it as though it were the truth. We've seen it happen countless times in the past.
That's very true. But, RLC knew that her career took her all over the world for modeling assignments and I'm sure took that into consideration when they structured whatever "deal" they offered her. Since Kristy also does modeling work, I just believe that RLC was very aware of the fact that one or both of the girls would be going on these kinds of trips (sometimes even together) and still felt that they were a big enough draw to bring back. In my mind, the problem is once again that RLC does not provide any information to its members as to what to expect in the various apartments and with any of its tenants. They could eliminate a lot of member complaints by simply giving a brief summary as to what to expect from any new tenants when they first come on line. But, for whatever reason, they don't want to do that.
What happened tonight between Kamila and Kristy has to do with the different types of love people can have for each other and what they are willing to do to help a person they love who is hurting. (and I'm not just talking about "romantic love"). I am not trying to be an egotistical jerk. After the recent discussions I participated in here, I have no desire to get into another heated exchange and be told I don't know what I'm talking about. But, I do have extensive training and experience in understanding human behavior. What we witnessed tonight was an act of love. Kristy was hurting. Kamila helped her. It's really that simple. P.S. - If there is anyone who seriously wants me to explain, send me a pm and I will answer later (as long as I think you honestly want to know and understand).
Harley, this is the last time I'm going to say this. You are very wrong about my thoughts regarding Kamila. Yes, I think she's terrific. I'm crazy about her. But, I am well aware that she is not "perfect". No one is. You haven't even seen either girl in the new apartment (ever) because you are not a paying member and there are no free cams. I've already addressed the issue about translations. I believe that kitek and yuri do the best they can to translate what they think they hear. But, if you go back to my earlier post from yesterday, I explain why I believe it is a big mistake to draw conclusions and make judgments when you haven't actually seen any body language or facial expressions or location or any of the other things that go into actual "conversation" . You also haven't seen enough of the person you are judging and how they act to be able to know whether you are accurately understanding what might be going on. You're the one who uses nothing but the translations and people posts when it fits your needs. Not me. And, not all of the other posters who you accuse of doing the same. Finally, you continually say that you don't care at all about the girls. But, your posts show quite the opposite. And, you freely admit that you think they are trashy and want everyone to agree with you. As far as I can remember, I don't think you've ever said a positive thing about the girls without adding a "caveat" that spoils it. Why do you visit this forum practically every day and post negative things if you don't care about any of the tenants in any of the apartments? Your actions almost make it seem like your only goal on this forum is to make sure that no members can fully enjoy what they view or what they try to discuss with other posters. I'm done.
Thes, I agree that a lot of what you say could happen. But, almost everything you are saying is simply your opinion. The part about Kami spending time with Coke boy is true, but I don't think she is with him every minute she is out of the apartment the way you seem to indicate. I really don't know how you can be so confident that "Kami will not let go of him". I don't think the issue is simply that she's getting "cold feet". It looks to me like a normal relationship where 2 people are drawn to each other and immediately feel all is perfect. But, then, as they see how the other person reacts in different situations and how they think about a multitude of things, they realize that their partner may not be as perfect as they originally thought. Then, they start weighing the pros and cons of the relationship and decide whether they want to break up or whether they still like the partner enough to try to "work through" any issues. Kami seemed to decide to break up with him. But, he was not willing to accept that and started doing everything he could to get her to change her mind. So far, he has definitely made progress and is back as her bf. What happens from here on between them is far more complex than you seem to believe. It could go either way. If we knew a lot more about what they do together outside of the apartment and how they react to each other's actions, then maybe we could hazard a guess as to their future. But, I just don't think that we have anywhere near enough information to say we know for sure where things are going. Nothing I have seen in the apartment tells me that Kami is ready to just resume a frantic love relationship with him. She seems to keep him at arm's length a good deal of the time. If she was "all in", I think you'd see a lot more affection from her. She is a very "touchy, feely" type person from everything that I have seen of her. Eventually, you are probably right about what will happen with Kamila and Kristy and their friendship. But, I don't think we have any real idea of how long that will take and what other "players" will be involved in the evolution of their friendship. Just mho.
Thes, I love you man and I enjoy a lot of your well thought out posts. But, if you had seen Kamila and Kristy today while they were in the tub together and later when they were in Kristy's bed, you would have to rethink a lot of what you posted today. These girls are the best of friends. They love each other (notice I did NOT say they were "in love" with each other). I dare say that neither one would be happy if they couldn't be together as much as possible. Yes, they have their own individual lives and that often causes extended periods when they cannot be together. But, splitting them up, just because some members aren't happy with how they choose to live their lives seems quite selfish to me as I doubt that either one would be happy with that. Oh, one last thing, I don't believe Kamila has any desire to live with Coke boy. For right now, she likes him and enjoys dating him (and whatever sex goes with that). But, she has stated multiple times that she needs her time away from him. I think the biggest problem people have with this apartment is that they expect it to be the same (or very similar) to how the other "couple" apartments operate. That's simply an incorrect assumption to make. It's obvious that RLC made a separate "deal" with them in order to get them to come back because so many paying members loved seeing them. Again, I love you man. But, we'll just have to disagree about how this apartment is, or should be, operated.
Your assertions of what Kamila did while in Thailand are totally without merit. There have been posts saying the exact opposite. The fact is that we don't know what she did in Thailand because we weren't there and we don't know anyone who was there with her. I just continue to be amazed by how people how post such things as truth and allow others to accept them as truth and continue to spread one big lie after another. Would you like someone to judge you that harshly when they didn't know a single thing as fact? You also are way off-base concerning "Coke boy" and her relationship with him.
Harley, I believe that kitek and yuri provide the best translations that they can. But, if you could view the conversations on screen, you would realize that often the girls lower their voices when saying certain things and often turn their heads when speaking which makes it difficult to understand what they are saying. Those kinds of actions, along with all the possible translations from one language to another that can cause very different interpretations of particular phrases, make "translating" an inexact science at best. Heck, even if they were speaking in english or some other native language of the viewer, it would be very difficult to be certain that you understood what someone actually meant when they said it. They may be joking when saying something. But, you wouldn't know it if you didn't see the actual discussion. That's why, as much as I appreciate the hard (and often tedious) work that our resident translators provide, I have to take everything "with a little grain of salt". What I mean, simply, is that you can not look at a translation of any discussion as completely accurate. That's why I don't think it's fair to base your opinion on someone purely on a written translation - no matter how accurate it is. That is especially true when you didn't get to actually "observe" the conversation and see what kind of body language and facial expressions and verbal inflections were used. It's simply unfair. Just think about how often people misunderstand us even when we speak the same language. No written document of a "conversation" can be taken verbatim because a conversation is made up of more than just the words used.