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Everything posted by bookmaster8

  1. I haven't had time to watch much lately, but it was my understanding that Kamila is not sleeping in the same bed with him now because she does not want him to accidentally hit her ears while sleeping and cause problems with the healing process. They were sleeping together in her bed before she had the surgery and, if they stay together as a couple, will almost certainly sleep together again once her ears have completely healed.
  2. sulzer, was this in response to my question about not being able to see pictures? If so, thank you. But, I see a lot more posts from other people too without pics and don't know if I need to do something to change that.
  3. I don't know of any attractive young women that are 22-25 years old that haven't. That doesn't make them unique in my book. ?
  4. There is one other reason for me. It's also why I haven't said much about Adele at all since she arrived. Adele just happens to look almost exactly like a girl I used to date. She even has the same beautiful ass and legs combination. So, I have very mixed feelings when watching her.
  5. Noldus, you are my hero! Thank you! I never realized that less than a minute of action could be so hot. Of course, I guess part of that is because it's Kristy. ;D The last one I watched was only 57 seconds, but I loved seeing those beautiful muscular thighs moving like that and the look on her face at the moment of ecstasy. :yeahbaby:
  6. I saw in a previous post that mikey was upset because he missed Kristy masturbating today. I was just saying that I have never seen her masturbate, even though I have spent quite a bit of time trying to catch her when she does it. :(
  7. Mikey, I have NEVER been able to catch her masturbating. Do we have a vid posted anywhere of at least one of them? If so, I would love to see it. I've never heard of a woman being able to get off that fast. She must be one hot little sex kitten. ;D
  8. Ok, I just now had the time to read the first 2 installments of the RLC Erotic Sci-fy novel. mr1010, after I stop laughing so hard, I will try to put some thoughts together and provide some input for you to consider. I must say you have a very active imagination indeed. I'm not sure how much I'll be able to contribute, but I'll try. After all, we do want it to become a bestseller, so all of us must do our part. :lmao:
  9. Excellent summary, Mikey. I had been thinking about writing the same kind of thing, but just haven't had the time or energy to do it. Now, I don't have to. You hit all the key points I had wanted to address, especially when pointing out and driving home the fact that, if it was a marketing ploy, it would have to rank right up there at the top of the worst marketing campaigns ever. Thank you, kind sir. :yes:
  10. NOT EVEN IF KAMILA HAD AN IDENTICAL TWIN SISTER,,,,,NOBODY ANYWHERE IN THIS UNIVERSE OR THE NEXT,OR EVEN A PARALLEL UNIVERSE COULD EVER MAKE ME FORGET ABOUT MY BABY :yeahbaby: :yeahbaby: :yeahbaby: :yeahbaby: :nana: :nana: :lmao: :lmao: P.S. - Mikey, I immediately thought of posting the same thought about my Kamila when I read that. But, then I read yours and thought "yea, that will work". Thanks. :yes:
  11. Just because a girl works with multiple modeling agencies, that doesn't change my theory. I'm saying that, while they are working with the specific agency that has some kind of agreement with RLC, that would be when they would be potential tenants (depending on the length of the specific modeling project they are a part of). Also, only the models that are currently involved with that agency will be placed in the apartment. The reasoning would be that the agency would want to make sure that they had a room for certain girls they are working with. The only way they could guarantee that would be if they could control who becomes a tenant. It's just a theory, but nothing else makes sense to me as to why RLC wouldn't continually have a "waiting list" of girls that are dying to jump on that free apartment deal in Barcelona.
  12. I'd like to know why RLC hasn't placed a new girl in the apartment yet. It can't be that hard to find attractive young women who would jump at the chance to live in a nice apartment in a big vacation city for free and get a monthly stipend on top of it. It makes me wonder whether RLC has some kind of deal with that modeling agency they work with to only place their girls in the place. If that's the case, then there may be some periods where they are not doing a lot of auditions or shoots and the apartment doesn't get completely filled (like now). In any case, it has got to be tough for a single girl to live in the apartment alone. I feel sorry for Danaya right now. She needs some companionship, I think.
  13. I was about to post the same thing before I saw yours. Thanks, Corbo. That is really awesome. I wish I could have seen some of those cuties that were there before I joined. At least I have their image now to enjoy. Great job.
  14. She is an incredible lover. I love seeing her whenever they visit. She also has an adorable face. I love the high cheek-bones.
  15. Yea, I meant that she stopped doing it under the covers even. I think it upset him that his buddies might see her do that (or something similar) and he asked her to stop masturbating even under covers. I could be wrong, of course. But, she only did it once or twice in this apartment before she stopped it completely. I can't think of any other reason why she would stop it so suddenly. Obviously, I could be totally wrong.
  16. I think she may eventually have sex on camera. But, I would be shocked if it wasn't a slow step by step process for her to feel comfortable with it. If it happens, you can bet, as you say, it will be under covers. It would take a bit longer for her to say ok to doing it without covers. I think it will be an evolutionary process the way it was with her showing nudity her first trip to Barcelona. It took a few days before she was even willing to take a bath. The rest was slow, little by little, progress until she felt totally comfortable.
  17. I would be absolutely astounded if she hasn't already had sex with him multiple times. Don't forget that she had jumped into bed with him completely nude that one night. You don't do that with someone you haven't already been intimate with. I strongly believe that the reason for no sex here is the cameras. That would be a big step for Kamila to take. If he told her he didn't want her to masturbate on camera anymore because he didn't want other guys seeing her, then he has no right to now turnaround and say it's ok for them to have sex on camera. I think it is a "give and take" compromise. Kami says something like, "ok, I won't masturbate on cam if it means that much to you, but then you have to accept my condition of no sex on camera period - even between us." There are always compromises that have to be made in relationships for them to work. That's just my opinion.
  18. Thestarider, I saw the incident in the kitchen the other morning and my interpretation was different from yours. I don't know yet whether Kristy likes him or not, but her reaction to him in the kitchen was due to her being terrified when she opened her door in her underwear and he was standing right there in front of her and scaring her half to death. He had just come out of Kamila's room and, instead of heading directly to the kitchen, stopped right outside the door and was looking through the stuff on his phone. Kristy didn't hear him and didn't realize that he was right outside her door. So, when she opened it up to go to the bathroom, she saw this rather large man standing right in her doorway. She immediately jumped backward into her room and slammed the door shut. She let out a little moan of fear and grabbed her chest and shook her head. The poor thing was terrified and, when she realized it was him, she became furious (and rightfully so). The jerk should have taken into consideration that there were other women in the apartment and taken precautions to avoid that type of incident. However, perhaps because he is an only child, he didn't seem to ever consider it. That's the only thing he has done that has ticked me off. He has acted like the place is his and that is not going to be acceptable. IMO, the "jury is still out" on whether he's going to be a "suitable" partner for our much loved Kamila. He definitely seems to have captured her heart for now, but I think she is still somewhat undecided because of his "selfishness" as she told her mother on the phone. She doesn't want to get married right away and have children, but he does. So, we'll have to see how things evolve. But, I definitely agree that he not only has to win Kamila over completely and keep her happy. He has to also find a way to accept Kristy as Kamila's bff or there will be big problems. I really don't believe that Kamila will ever give up Kristy as her bff because of a guy. They are too close.
  19. Yes, she is. But, the poor thing seems to be a true nymphomaniac. I don't think any man could fully satisfy her. I wonder, at times, whether Sasha feels bad about it. He's pretty damn capable and yet she still needs more. I'm not complaining at all from a viewer's standpoint, though. :shiteatinggrin:
  20. omg, I think you're right. What was I thinking? But, I know I have heard other ladies on RLC yelling "Da" over and over. I think Maya was one of them. Leora, too.
  21. I only saw the free show too. I may not see a private show unless she gets a better quality cam. The stream I'm getting is all choppy right now. But, she still looked good and I wanted to tip her well so that she would know that we all like her. She is a cutie and her entire crotch area is beautiful. Was never able to really see that on RLC. ;)
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