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Everything posted by bookmaster8

  1. Pretty much in agreement here, with a couple minor exceptions. See my post above to see. Something definitely will have to change for this to work if he is going to be spending time there. As you say, we do not want another Kiko situation where the girls have to alter their actions (and, thus, their spontaneity) whenever he comes over.
  2. I think this is a key to the way things look today. Kamila has been sick since last night. She was up until around 6:00 this morning sniffling, sneezing, wiping her eyes and rubbing her sinuses. She's taken her temperature at least twice. I'm pretty sure that is why she is in bed now and not interacting with Rita. I'm not sure that she is even aware of the incident this morning where the boyfriend went out the bedroom and, while standing outside the door, wound up terrifying Kristy as she opened her door to go to the bathroom. I imagine it would be a shock to any beautiful young woman to open your door and see a big man standing right there in front of you. I haven't made up my mind yet about him. But, I do agree that something has to be done about him feeling he has free run of the place. That is simply not acceptable when there are 2 other women in the apartment. But, I'm pretty sure the incident with Kristy this morning is why she acted cold to him in the kitchen. We don't want another Kiko situation where the girls can't be themselves when he is there. I don't think the guy is intentionally being a dick. I think there's a good chance that he doesn't even realize how inconsiderate he is being because (if kitek's translation of Kamila and her mother's phone call is correct) he is an only child and never had to concern himself with that kind of issue. Who knows? I guess time will tell. So, I will wait and see what happens once Kamila and the girls can talk freely about his actions.
  3. So, let me get this straight. You're saying that any 24 year old woman who has sex is "soiled"? :screwy: What did she ever do to you to cause all of your negative posts about her?
  4. mr1010, I think that what is happening with Kamila is much simpler and actually very natural. Here's my theory: It is a big step for someone to decide - "ok, I'll let tons of people watch me get my brains screwed out". That is the most intimate activity that can be shown. It's a big step emotionally from "I'll let people see me nude" to "I'll let people see me have actual sexual intercourse with another person". So, to me, Kamila is going a little bit farther each day in showing us her naked body and, when her boyfriend comes over, showing us that she does have a sexual relationship with this guy. She's still building up the courage to take the final step and share this very intimate display of love. I really don't think it's any more complex than that. She is basically a shy person. I think she's building up the courage to do it, just like she did initially in Barcelona when it came to showing her naked body. It took her like 3 or 4 days to finally let us see her nude. Do you remember that? I sure do. I was actually getting pissed off because she wouldn't even shower the first couple days. It took both Monica and Nora's gentle prodding to get her to finally break down and let loose. So, I say, let's be patient just a little longer and we'll finally get what we've all been wanting. I really think it is coming soon.
  5. MrBox, Are you saying that RLC has had apartments with real working couples in them? The only one that I've ever seen where someone seems to actually do steady work is Nina and Kira's. I guess you could say that Maya and Stepan work from home. But, that's it. From what I see, none of the others do any regular work. Please let me know if there are others who work. Seriously. I'm not trying to be funny. I really don't know of any others who have jobs or steady work of any kind.
  6. I can agree with everything you said except for Irma having no personality. I like Irma's personality and I include her in my top 5 right behind our 3 ladies in this apartment. I think she is also a sweetheart and I wouldn't get bored with her either. :yes:
  7. I see love in Kamila's eyes when she looks at Kristy also. These girls love each other. I'm not saying they are "in love" the way lesbians are, although I do think there is a sexual attraction to some degree. But, they are as close and loving as two girls can be in my opinion. I don't believe there is one ounce of acting when it comes to the way they care about each other. Whenever one of them enters the room, the other one's eyes light up. It's great to see. :yes:
  8. Well, congrats on becoming a member. You will be surprised at how much better you can understand the girls when you can see everything they do instead of having to form an opinion just based on thumbnails and posts and pics of cc posters. Regarding the bodies of our lovelies, I agree that Rita has the best. Her breasts are magnificent and her butt and legs are very nice indeed. Kristy's breasts are just a little smaller than I would like, but she has the most spectacular butt and legs combination of them all, IMO. Kamila is, as I have stated (and been teased about) in the past, my favorite girl. But, I have also said that although I love her body as a whole (I would like to see her add a little meat to her legs, though), the individual body parts are not the best you will find. I do love her boobs and that cute little butt that curves out so nicely. To me, though, her face is the most beautiful I have ever seen. She mesmerizes me at times. In any event, I love all 3 of these girls primarily because, although they are all beautiful, their personalities and self-confidence without arrogance are extremely attractive to me. They are all pretty much "what you see is what you get" girls. Those who think that they are "acting" are fooling themselves and don't really seem to be able to tell the difference between acting like some of the other tenants do and a "genuine" personality like these girls have. If they were acting, they would all deserve Academy Awards because they NEVER fall out of character. Enjoy your membership! :)
  9. I've noticed this too. Every apartment, as you say, has really stepped it up. That wouldn't be happening if RLC didn't put the word out. Maybe they finally reached the point where enough members were complaining that they figured they better make some changes. The biggest change by far, in my opinion, has been the complete turnaround by Dasha and Demid. They're almost acting like newlyweds. :D
  10. Thanks, mr1010. I just received Thesta's reply and answered him back. I'm only able to watch part-time so I guess it depends on when I check in whether I get lucky and catch some of these things or not. Thanks for following-up. I appreciate it.
  11. Ok. I just thought that, if he wasn't online, maybe someone else would know. From what I have been able to see, the boyfriend seems like a pretty nice guy and Kamila definitely seems to really like him. I saw her giving him like 3 or 4 little quick kisses a couple times. To me, that shows that a girl really likes the guy she's with. I think it's very cute to see (I know I would love it if I was younger and she did that to me). ;D
  12. I haven't been watching as much as I would like. What did the boyfriend do that was immature?
  13. Thesta, please re-read your post again and notice how many conclusions you are drawing about Kamila. You told us what you thought about her reason for coming back, You told us that she doesn't look happy and that she "truly" wants to spend every waking moment with her BF. You said it was obvious that she is very much in love and that is all she is thinking about. That's not obvious to me. What seems obvious to me is that she likes the guy a lot and was very happy with the giant teddy bear he gave her for Valentine's day. You also said that she has found her "wealthy" guy who will take care of her. Personally, I give Kamila a little more credit than that. She doesn't need any guy to "take care of her". I would be surprised if she didn't find that insulting, to be honest. It suggests that she is not capable of taking care of herself and is only a simple golddigger. Sorry, I don't believe that. You said that she wants to help Kristy to also find a rich man to take care of her. I'm sure that she would love for Kristy to find a guy that she really likes and/or loves. But, I think it would be insulting to Kristy to think that he must be rich so that he can take care of her. Do you see what I'm talking about? Do you see that many who read those words could actually accept them as truth? I'm not asking you to withhold your thoughts. I love sharing our thoughts. I just think we need to be careful to make it clear that it's only what we think might be going on. Otherwise, many will take such statements as being much more substantial than just an opinion. I just hate to see that happen, because that's exactly what happened the last time these girls were on RLC and many people thought they were both prostitutes, whores, golddiggers and so forth. Not everybody is solely motivated by money. That's all I'm trying to say.
  14. Sorry, I don't think that is correct at all. I'm just speechless at all the people who think they know what Kamila and Kristy are thinking all the time. I'm not talking just to you, Thesta. I like you a lot and enjoy your posts. But, I do think that you are occasionally a little premature in some of the conclusions you draw (just like all of us). There are several other posters here who simply want to see sex all the time with these girls and I don't understand why in the world they think that's what should be expected and that they are being cheated if it doesn't happen. If people really were to stop and think about the whole premise of this site, maybe they would realize that these girls were not hired to entertain us. They were brought back because they are very popular and some members just love to see them and get to share a little in their lives. But, instead of people being happy for Kamila that she seems to be involved in a relationship that makes her happy, they are upset with her because she's not home all the time bored to death so that they can see her and then complain that she's not having sex or showing enough skin. Kamila and Kristy both are beautiful and single young women who are currently roommates. "Real" girls who are friends and live together don't go bringing their boyfriends home and having sex with them in a shared apartment much either. That would be considered as being inconsiderate of the roommate who doesn't currently have a boyfriend. Neither girl agreed to share an apartment with their roommate and their lover. They agreed to share an apartment with their roommate. I just think these poor girls are always going to be attacked for what they do or don't do because of totally unrealistic and unfair expectations. To me, the answer is simple. If members don't like what these girls are doing, there are 12 or so other apartments that can be viewed. I just don't understand the constant judgement and criticism. It makes no sense to me. Again, Thesta, I am not responding just to your post. I like you and your posts. I just don't agree with this particular one and I feel that there are many posters on here who are very unfair in their criticism of the girls. Sorry for the rant, but I just felt like something had to be said about all the unjustified expectations.
  15. Yes, I totally agree. I didn't mean it to sound like I was angry or that I was just responding to StnCld's post. I was, in fact, writing a another reply to that effect. But, I didn't get it out there before you responded. My bad.
  16. I didn't think you were angry, StnCld. I guess I was just trying to let all the people who are disappointed or angry or who think we're getting ripped off know that not everyone shares their point of view. I just happened to use your post as a springboard to include that thought. I can see where you thought that I was just referring to you, though. I should have been more clear.
  17. RLC is not "skinning" me for this apartment. In fact, they did not charge me anything additional for this apartment. It is included in the monthly fee that I was already paying. However, these are 2 of my favorite girls of all time and, if I had to, I would be willing to pay that same monthly fee just to see them. I could live without all the other apartments to be honest. As far as I'm concerned, for this particular apartment ONLY, I am getting pretty much exactly what I expected (including visits from another of my favorite girls, Rita). I also won't be surprised if I get to see some other girls I like visiting these popular young women since they are now back in Russia (such as Milana, Coco and others). I don't see anything to be angry about regarding what I'm getting to see in this apartment. I never expected to get this opportunity in the first place. What's to be mad about?
  18. Yes, she was. The poor baby was staggering around having to hold on to things so she wouldn't fall down. Mikey's got to stop making her match him drink for drink when they're out on the town. :lmao: :lmao: She sure looked cute, though. :)
  19. Sorry, I don't understand robert. Are you saying that you think K&K are snobs? I hope not because I don't think anything could be farther from the truth. That's one of the reasons I love them both. They are self-confident without an ounce of arrogance or conceit that I've ever seen.
  20. After all the times I stepped up and made a fool out of myself over my perfect woman Kamila, you have to ask who her fan club prez is? Come on. Give me a break. I got that one covered. What all do we have to do? ;D
  21. As I said many times, I've always loved Rita. But, here's a tidbit that probably many don't know. Besides her obvious beauty and sweetness, she also is a "seeker". What I mean by that is that she is also very interested in hearing what some of the great philosophers and spiritual teachers have said about the nature of reality. She is just a very lovely young lady who is determined to make the most of her life and she encourages others to do the same. She is not one to sit around all day watching TV or just "vegging out". She is full of life and enjoys sharing her thoughts with others. Very lovable indeed. :)
  22. I know what it is. I have the same problem. Regular Visa and Mastercards will not allow International transactions on them. The solution is to buy one of those pre-paid Visa cards that allow International transactions, put 50 bucks or so on it, and then pick the "Segway" payment option. That works fine. All you have to do is remember to keep enough money on the card to cover the monthly fee. I just go to a local 7-11 store where I purchased it and add money to the card whenever I know the next monthly payment is due. Hope that helps.
  23. Good to see you back, Mikey. I actually was starting to get concerned when we didn't hear from you. Just remember, she's only here for a visit so far. However, since the apartment is in Moskow, she could be a frequent visitor when she's not out traveling the world on a modeling assignment or vacation. :)
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