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Everything posted by ericjeanjean

  1. Par chez moi rien que le fait de suggérer de faire de la sangria avec autre chose que du vin rouge peut te faire arriver des bricoles.
  2. Well Punch is usually rhum and various juices with some pieces of fruit. 3/4 of a bottle for that quantity is not surprising.
  3. Weird coincidence, Leora is listening to Big Gun by AC/DC while sewing and a few hours ago Kristy did a scorching hot dance on it.
  4. "Wow girls, I did not know you could play charades like this. Is this some sort of Thailandese variant?"
  5. Kamila talked with Kristy when she arrived, and Kristy probably told her beforehand. There is no doubt in my mind that she knew.
  6. My impression was that Lola was trying to cockblock beard guy with Anna all night, I remeber 4 or 5 instances when she was the one who put a stop to what they were doing. Maybe out of concern for Anna maybe for a selfish reason. At one point she stopped probably because she was too drunk. Belle also when she was in bed with Anna and beardy was trying to remove his hands from Anna's breasts. Earlier I think that she told him to get the fuck off when he was massaging their feet while her and anna were making out. All this was very weird.
  7. Taking advantage of a very drunk girl is rape. The question now is would Anna have acted the same way otherwise which is entirely possible but we haven't seen them interact enough outside of parties to have an idea on that. Maybe you know who that guy is and how well they know each other because I think a lot of the confusion comes from the fact that we don't know where that guy comes from and what is his relationship with the girls.
  8. OK la je ne suis pas d'accord. Je ne pense pas que les filles aient pris quoi que ce soit contre leur gré. Et le GHB fait dormir donc je ne pense pas que ce soit ça.
  9. I don't but I thought you had information I don't have because you seem certain. We've all been to parties with drugs it's not a big deal. The way Anna acted when she came back from the balcony and started touching herself everywhere on lola's bed make me think of something other than alcohol. But of course I might be wrong.
  10. Well obviously but we don't see the balcony. The trips to the bathroom the night before were highly suspicious and I haven't see anyone give an explanation for them. Drugs at a party is far from something completely unthinkable.
  11. This guy's actions look bad. I don't think the girls took anything against their will but Anna was VERY high/drunk when he was with him which is usually a sign that you should not go there. Maybe they know each other well and this is something they've already done more sober but without context it looks really really bad. Also he was very handsy with Stella when she was half asleep on the couch and then again at the end after he left anna, I see no excuse for that.
  12. They all look understandably under the weather. Anna on the other hand looks exactly the same as always.
  13. Nobody talked about it but just before 3 PM Kristy did a dance show in the living room, it was incredibly hot.
  14. Against all odds anna will end up the one seing the least action thanks to the valiant cockblocking efforts of lola.
  15. Kamila is becoming more active during sex, practice do seem to work. Now she needs to be on top sometimes and if possible get over her aversion for oral sex.
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