Then you would love yourself on RLC.
By the way there's something we never really talk about because, well, we really only care about the girls, but most of the girls masturbate whereas we almost never see the guys do it (with a few exceptions). I wonder if they really don't, if they're hiding or if we just don't see it because nobody watches when the guys are alone.
Yeah I won't dispute the fact that being watched is not a factor. But I think that nervousness is more a factor to why the sex is a little awkward than the fact that they actively want to hide.
I have a question for you. Do you always masturbate outside the covers? I know that when I'm doing it in my bed I'm usually covered even thought there's nobody to see me. My opinion is that these girls masturbate the same way they would if there was no camera.
Why would she remove her panties? That would make no sense if she's not sleeping naked, not every girl has to put on shows like Leora. Then again your argument was "They don't want anybody to see them do it", panties or not you see her do it.
About you second point it's in full view especially when she does it in Kamila's bed, the Cam 10 view is perfect.
Maybe they are, maybe they're not. Translations suggest that their sex life is not crazy but who knows?
Please stop confusing "knowing" with stuff you make up in your head because you don't know shit. Jon Snow knows more stuff than you.
Haha, I was going to say "fat chance" but then again last night I also said that I didn't think that something would happen between Kristy and that guy. I'll just stop making predictions and see what happens .
Well sometimes some things are said by people without all the information and just because it is said very vehemently some members take it for granted. I'm just trying to get the story straight before it becomes a thing.
Not that it really matters, because I don't really understand what's the big deal with her keeping her panties on, but during their first attempt when the condom broke she (well really he did) did remove her panties.
Maybe that's because I haven't been following her since the beginning but I can't honestly say one thing good or bad about Leora's personality. She's like a sexy robot to me.
Come on this poll is a little mean, these are not the first girls who are let's say underwhelming. At least Megan has beautiful eyes and boobs. Not everyone can become comfortable getting naked and doing stuff in front of the cameras and it's impossible to know who will be good without trying. The good news is that if you think about it this means that the girls are more or less free to show what they want, they are not contractually bound to show X amount of nudity/sex.
Remember what Forrest Gump's mom says about life, the same is true about RLC. We must suffer through the Nikkis and Aidas to get the Kristys and Irmas.
Anyways this is probably another rotating cast apartment so the question is moot.
Are you sure you uploaded the right video? It's just the very end and shower. Also I hope you know what you do, there are dots everywhere. Thanks anyway