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Everything posted by legrandrobert

  1. If I had 3 girls in my bed, I wouldn't think of playing cards, There are other games to play with three girls.......................................................😁
  2. Please, rlc send Putin home, this house is a drag since he is there !!!
  3. Lasting that long ?????????????.......................................😦
  4. And lots of girlfriends at B4..................................Welcome back , missed your true opinions.
  5. Feud in B2 and only 3 girls, B4 7 girls everybody gets along......................What is wrong here.?? Monica and Sofie should make up, they would have more clicks on their apt. Just an opinion....🙂
  6. Can you tell me what date Mr. P arrived in B4 And when can we expect him to go away ?? Is he here for the rest of Blair's stay ??
  7. From now on Anita's and Nica's friend I will call her BLONDIE, and Serena's and Blair's friend, I will call her RED because of her hair.
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